MABM106 Genius loci в американската литература
* Lectures – 20 hours
* Workshops – 8 hours (these workshops are so designed as to provoke active student participation; they are based on individual work on tasks given previously, paper presentation on such a topic and/or debating during the seminars);
* End-term course review – 2 hours.
Grade is based on students’ participation in class throughout the semester and final exam.
* to give the students knowledge, awareness and guidelines of thinking concerning this major characteristic of American literary disposition;
* to provoke students' critical and creative thinking in terms of literary focussedness;

проф. Албена Бакрачева д.н.
Описание на курса:
Успешно завършилите курса студенти:
1) знаят:
* have a deep insight into this unique inherent characteristic of American literature;
* have developed flexible ways of critical thinking.
2) могат:
* flexible critical thinking in the field of American Studies.
Предварителни изисквания:
Студентите да имат знания и/или умения:
• English language proficiency.
• Background in American literature and culture.
• Literary theory equipment.
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
Литература по темите:
Студентите ще получат списък на основните автори и произведения.
Bercovitch, Sacvan. The Puriatn Origins of the American Self. Yale University Press. New Haven and London, 1975.
Matthiessen, F.O. American Renaissance. NY:Oxford Univ. Press, 1941.
Miller, Perry. The Life of the Mind in America. NY:Harcourt, 1965.
Marx, Leo. The Machine in the Garden. Boston, 1968.
Buell, Lawrence. Literary Transcendentalism. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca and London, 1973.
Buell, Lawrence. New England Literary Culture: From Revolution through Renaissance. NY. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986.
Friedman, Thomas. The Lexus and the Olive Tree, NY, Anchor Books, 2000.
Ruland, Richard. Bradbury, Malcolm. From Puritanism to Postmodernism. A History of American Literature. Penguin Books, New York. 1992.
Средства за оценяване:
Участие в семинари