General and Comparative Linguistics (in Bulgarian)
Short presentation of the programme:
The programme is in the field of humanities, professional area 2.1 Philology, covering the linguistic theory of modern languages (e.g. English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Greek, etc.). It is designed for master’s degree holders in philology majors and awards a PhD degree, expanding the educational and research qualifications of PhD students.
PhD graduates acquire in-depth knowledge in the chosen research area, skills for independent analysis and conducting scientific research in the field of linguistic theory of modern languages, opportunities to independently formulate a scientific problem, to carry out experimental and theoretical preparation for solving this problem, as well as teaching skills for applying and evaluating the results obtained. A focal point is the use of modern research approaches, modern theories and methods of linguistic analysis.

Major and professional qualification:
Scientific direction: Philology
Practical training courses:
PhD students are supposed to conduct teaching activities in the relevant specialties in the School of General Studies and the School of Undergraduate Studies, as well as expert activities for the benefit of NBU. They have to attend the seminars of the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, participate in them and present their contributions in the field of the dissertations.
International mobility:
Under the European Lifelong Learning Platform, Erasmus+ Programme, CEEPUS, as well as by virtue of bilateral agreements, training is organised in the following higher institutions:
• The University of Belgrade;
• The University of Rijeka;
• The University of St. Cyril and Methodius", Skopje;
• Thrace University in Edirne;
• The Universities of Maribor and Ljubljana;
• Moscow State Linguistic University;
• Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.
Graduate Student Competencies:
PhD graduates will have acquired:
• in-depth knowledge in the chosen research field;
• skills for conducting independent analysis and scientific research in the field of linguistic theory of modern languages;
• skills to select and study the academic literary sources related to the research problem;
• skills to quickly extract, summarise and evaluate information from various scientific sources;
• skills for independent formulation of a scientific problem;
• skills to carry out experimental and theoretical preparation for solving this problem, as well as to analyse and defend scientific hypotheses using arguments and evidence;
• teaching skills for applying the achievements of modern linguistic theory and translation theory in the teaching and training of future specialists;
• skills to plan their own scientific activity with regard to time management, definition of the object of research, goals and tasks, and building hypotheses.
Upon earning the required number of credits and defending a doctoral dissertation.
Occupation and possible positions:
PhD graduates can pursue careers in various fields of modern life such as research, education, cultural sphere, management activities, project activity, e.g. as members of editorial boards of newspapers, television and electronic media and publishing houses; as consultants or experts in the administration at the state, institutional, regional and local level; participants in competitions for assistants and research assistants in philological specialties in all higher education institutions and research institutes in Bulgaria and abroad.
Department :
Foreign languages and cultures