Constitutional Law (in Bulgarian)
Short presentation of the programme:
The programme is of a theoretical, research and applied nature with a focus on education and research in the field of constitutional law at the doctoral level. It provides specialised scientific, research and teaching training in the field of constitutional law, incl. in terms of diverse scientific methodologies and practical discourses. The programme prepares specialists and researchers in the recent and rapidly developing topics and issues of constitutional law. A special emphasis is put on acquainting the PhD students with a wide range of concepts, theories and critical approaches in the field of constitutional law, as well as with scientific tools for interdisciplinary research of current problems.

International mobility:
NBU has created conditions for student mobility of PhD students in foreign universities. It participates in the Erasmus+ programme as part of Key Activity 1: Educational mobility in the field of higher education, including mobility of students, doctoral students, faculty and administrative staff in programme and partner countries. The wide scope of the doctoral programme enables the training of not only Bulgarian citizens, but also foreign PhD students interested in the field of constitutional law.
Graduate Student Competencies:
PhD graduates will have acquired:
• highly specialised professional and academic knowledge in the field of constitutional law in accordance with the modern achievements of science;
• teaching skills and knowledge of modern and innovative methods and means of teaching in public law sciences with a focus on the specifics of constitutional law;
• skills for conducting scientific research, incl. independent formulation of a research topic, work with scientific and legal literature, analysis and criticism of various hypotheses and opinions, construction of a hypothesis and its defence, construction of new hypotheses and proposal of relevant solutions;
• skills to write a scientific text and publish scientific papers and other academic works;
• skills for interdisciplinary research and participation in interdisciplinary scientific and scientific and practical projects, forums, etc.
Upon earning the required number of credits and defending a doctoral dissertation.
Occupation and possible positions:
PhD graduates pursue careers as:
• researchers capable of conducting independent and group scientific research; participants in scientific and scientific and practical projects in the public sphere;
• lecturers in higher education institutions;
• experts and consultants in the public sphere, incl. public bodies at the local, national, European and international level;
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