Accounting and Auditing (in Bulgarian)

Short presentation of the programme:

The programme provides knowledge in the field of accounting and auditing, based on the foundation of the economic theory and practice. The wide range of issues in the field allows for diverse research, mastering and enriching the competences of the doctoral students and inviting a large number of interested persons to take part in it. The range of doctoral thesis topics is extremely wide. Scientific research can be aimed at solving diverse problems in the field of accounting of non-financial enterprises, financial and budgetary organisations, of non-profit enterprises, including the field of auditing carried out in them.

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Accounting and Auditing (in Bulgarian)

Graduate Student Competencies:

PhD graduates will have acquired:

• knowledge on the fundamental economic principles and laws based on which they can further develop existing theories and offer scientifically-based solutions on current and debatable accounting and auditing problems;

• skills to use the toolkit of scientific and practical-applied methods and techniques to research issues in the field of accounting and auditing;

• skills to research and use specialised literature and scientific achievements in the field of accounting and auditing in the development and argumentation of their own ideas and hypotheses;

• skills to independently carry out research and to present its results publishing in magazines, collections and other scientific volumes.


Upon earning the required number of credits and defending a doctoral dissertation.

Occupation and possible positions:

PhD graduates can:

• hold prestigious accounting and auditing positions in the public and corporate sector, incl. manufacturing and commercial enterprises, enterprises specialising in the field of services, banks and financial institutions, investment funds, public and insurance companies, the National Academy of Sciences, National Social Security Institute and National Health Insurance Fund, Ministry of Finance central and local units, audit offices, etc.

• teach at various levels and forms of higher economic education and conduct full-fledged research activities in the field of accounting and auditing.

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