Съвременни музейни експозиции в исторически и археологически музеи (на английски език)
Кратко представяне на програмата:
The Master's program "Contemporary Museum Expositions in Historical and Archaeological Museums" is prepared in the context of changing public expectations towards museum institutions and exhibitions that go far beyond their main function to preserve, study and display the past and cultural and historical heritage. A team of lecturers from the Department of Archaeology, History, Design and Art History, as well as museum designers and curators from the United States, with extensive experience in the development of museum exhibitions, lead a program that has a strong practical focus and is oriented towards the real work of preparing and presenting exhibitions.
The program is aimed at working museum specialists, curators and curators and students with a bachelor's degree and an interest in museum and exhibition work. Its in-class courses are offered in full-time form with materials, lectures and additional resources in an electronic environment. Training courses led by Bulgarian and American specialists and compulsory internships provide real experience to the student and guarantee the applicability of the acquired knowledge.

Специалност и професионална квалификация:
Специалност: Contemporary museum exhibits in Archaeological and Historical Museums
Квалификация: Curator
The program offers training courses after the end of the first and second semesters, including a face-to-face seminar on exhibition practices led by American specialists, an internship in functioning museums and architectural studios, seminars that reveal stories around certain areas of archaeological research, prototyping exhibitions, etc.
Международна мобилност:
The program provides an opportunity for international student mobility with universities in the UK, Belgium, Poland, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Greece.
Компетенции на завършилите програмата:
The one-year Master's program provides contemporary, practically applicable education that prepares specialists and students to build attractive museum exhibitions in historical and archaeological museums. The basic knowledge and skills that the program builds are:
- Knowledge and skills to build a scientifically credible and publicly attractive narrative necessary for every contemporary museum exhibition – with the help of selected demonstration scientific cases, lecturers and students build a credible and publicly understandable narrative that forms the basis of modern museum exhibitions;
- Knowledge and skills to develop visitor experience – the program lays the foundations for developing a visitor experience in museums and involves students in practical work on specific cases;
- Knowledge and skills to raise funds for new museum exhibitions – students receive knowledge and skills about the administrative and legislative framework in which permanent and temporary exhibitions exist, review the existing funding opportunities for such activities at national and regional level and receive basic skills for the development of project proposal and budget
- Knowledge of visual requirements for attractiveness of museum expositions – students receive knowledge about key requirements for attractiveness and comprehensibility of museum exhibitions, incl. development of exhibition texts, interactivity, requirements for visual layout.
After the end of the program, students should be able to:
- To organize a process of development of contemporary museum expositions in archaeological and historical museums, which involves all interested parties;
- To compile a concept for a museum exhibition, attractive to a wide audience, including children and young people, which includes goals, target groups, visitor experience, zoning, audience interaction, graphic and visual concept and text and information panels;
- To know the basic visual requirements for museum exhibitions and to select and cooperate effectively with visual and museum specialists;
- To know the legislative framework for museum exhibitions and the possibilities of fundraising in the country where they work;
- Have basic skills to develop a project proposal and budget
The completion of the training in the Master's program is done with a master's thesis after covering the required number of credits.
The manner and conditions of completion are in accordance with the "Degree Completion Standard".
Професия и възможни заемани длъжности:
Museum curator; expert in the field of cultural and historical heritage.
Департамент, предложил програмата: