English Language and Professional Communication (Joint programme with the University of York)
Short presentation of the programme:
This is a dual degree programme, leading to two university degrees; one degree is awarded by the British University of York and one by NBU.
English Language and Professional Communication prepares specialists in the field of English language, linguistics, foreign language education and professional communication in media, marketing and management. Students acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills, thus increasing their future career opportunities. The programme includes modules such as intercultural communication, sociolinguistics, media studies, principles of marketing, public relations, teaching English, introduction to translation, digital literacy, etc. This innovative program is appropriate for anyone who aspires to teach, become a linguist, or wishes to work in media, public relations, marketing, advertising, translation, journalism, or education.
Students graduate with two diplomas from prestigious universities: one from the University of York, UK, and a second from New Bulgarian University. The course of study provides not only for the acquisition of in-depth theoretical knowledge, but also for the acquisition of important professional skills through opportunities for a variety of practical activities. Graduates of this one-of-a-kind program are competitive in fields such as teaching, media, advertising, marketing, public relations, publishing and journalism. Students have access to a multi-purpose learning space with a wealth of literature on the subjects studied, electronic databases and reference books, and modern labs with information technology and specialized software for research projects in English. With the support and assistance of highly qualified and motivated lecturers, students have the opportunity to participate in scientific conferences, conduct research and publish results in reputable academic journals. The full course of study is 8 semesters, with the entire third year at CITY College, University of York, Europe Campus. Student mobility to York is also planned. The two diplomas provide the opportunity to continue studying in Masters and PhD programmes in Bulgaria and abroad.

Major and professional qualification:
English Language and Professional Communication
Qualification: Bachelor in English Language for Specific Peofessional Purposes
Practical training courses:
The programme offers internships and placements in translation agencies, NGOs, advertising, marketing and media agencies, foreign companies, etc.
Graduate Student Competencies:
Graduates are professionals in the field of professional communication in English who:
• apply an interdisciplinary approach to solving specific cases related to their particular professional orientation;
• are proficient in the strategies of specialised translation and interpretation;
• use electronic resources, databases, terminology banks, various reference works and reference literature;
• can analyse and interpret texts in English from different areas of professional communication;
• possess research skills reflecting current trends in the theory and practice of translation, English language teaching, media, public relations, marketing, management, advertising, education, with a view to further development in their chosen scientific field in the master's and doctoral programmes not only at NBU but also at international higher education institutions;
• have the necessary professional training to be able to independently continue to develop their skills in their chosen career.
In their process of study, students develop the skills for professional dialogue in interethnic, intercultural and international contexts, as well as the necessary competences to enhance their professional training in accordance with the dynamically changing realities; they acquire research skills that enable graduates to develop and participate in the implementation of research projects and to apply the results in their professional practice.
After obtaining the required number of credits, students take a state examination that includes two components: translation of a specialised text and development of a case study on a specific problem in the field of professional communication.
Occupation and possible positions:
Graduates have the qualifications, knowledge and skills to be employed as translators and editors in the public and private sectors, can work in the field of education, in marketing companies, government administration, public and private organisations, print and electronic media, advertising companies, international organisations and foreign companies, among others, or they may choose to continue their studies at postgraduate level.
Department :
Foreign languages and cultures