Бизнес икономика (съвместна програма с университета в Йорк)
Кратко представяне на програмата:
The program is based on the latest trends in the world of economics and business and aims to provide extensive training for future staff in the field of management, marketing, finance and tourism.
Within the first three years of study, students receive extensive theoretical and practical training, knowledge and skills. They are aimed both at learning the general economic theory and logic and towards analyzing the contemporary business development trends in the context of digitalization, IT development and dynamic change of relationships and expectations of economic entities. During this part of the training, students get acquainted with the basics of economics, finance, management, marketing. This training allows specialized knowledge and skills deepening within the four proposed specializations: "Management", "Marketing", "Finance and Accounting", "Hospitality". The specializations run through the third year of study and are held in Thessaloniki, University of York Europe Campus, CITY College.

Специалност и професионална квалификация:
Специализация: Финанси и счетоводство
Специалност: Бизнес икономика
Квалификация: икономист
Специализация: Маркетинг
Специалност: Бизнес икономика
Квалификация: икономист
Специализация: Мениджмънт
Специалност: Бизнес икономика
Квалификация: икономист
Специализация: Хотелиерство и ресторантьорство
Специалност: Бизнес икономика
Квалификация: икономист
The practical training includes various activities at the university, as well as internships in economic, financial, tourism institutions, companies from different sectors, incl. services sector.
Международна мобилност:
The specializations in the program during the third year of study are held in Thessaloniki, Greece, University of York Europe Campus, CITY College.
Компетенции на завършилите програмата:
Accounting and Finance Specialization: Graduates will have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the above areas and will have the opportunity to apply these skills in practice. The depth of their knowledge and specialization will allow them to pursue successful careers in accounting and finance departments in the public or private sector, in financial institutions, in the industrial sector and in the services sector.
Hotel and Hospitality Specialization: The hospitality industry is one of the largest industries offering exciting career opportunities around the world. This program provides the future expert with theoretical and administrative knowledge for successful management of hotel operations. While studying all key areas of hotel and restaurant management, students develop the necessary attitudes and skills for excellence in a dynamic global industry.
Management Specialization: Graduates of the program will have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the above areas and will have the opportunity to apply these skills in practice. Our students are the successful businessmen of tomorrow. The depth of their knowledge and specialization will allow them to pursue successful careers in the administrative, marketing and financial departments in the public or private sector, in financial institutions, in the industrial sector and in the services sector.
Marketing Specialization: Graduates of the program will have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the above areas and will have the opportunity to apply these skills in practice. The depth of their knowledge and specialization will allow them to pursue successful careers in marketing departments in the public or private sector, in financial institutions, in the industrial sector and in the services sector.
The educational undergraduate degree is completed with a bachelor thesis or state examination upon obtaining the necessary number of credits. The conditions for graduation are set out in the "Standards for completion of educational and qualification degree."
Професия и възможни заемани длъжности:
Graduates of the bachelor's program will have an ideal foundation for a career in various managerial and financial, marketing or tourism roles in the business sector. The wide scope and practical orientation of the program qualify graduates to start in a wide range of careers in business. Many graduates continue their education in the field with a postgraduate qualification or additional professional qualification.
Департамент, предложил програмата: