Управление и развитие на човешките ресурси (на английски език) - ДО
Кратко представяне на програмата:
The program is developed in accordance with the International Standards for Human Resource Management of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD), UK and the European and National Qualifications Framework.
The program is available in Bulgarian and English language.
The program thematic areas cover the strategic role of human resources and staffing; the new roles of the HR manager as coach, mentor and consultant; training and career development; labor relations and safety management; organizational development and change; knowledge management, human capital information and people creativity; innovation and entrepreneurship in the organization.
The program is structured into four terms: a preparatory module and three semesters.
The preparatory module trains on policies and strategies for HR planning and management, the processes of staff recruitment, selection and retention, types of interviews, professional standards for human resource management, assessment and development centers, coaching, mentoring and consulting, best practices in human resources management, provides knowledge and develops skills for insurance, training and staff career development.
In the first semester key aspects of HR employment, performance management, reward and compensation, health and safety, and pensions systems are considered and discussed. The second semester is focusing on the human resources in an international context in terms of globalization and constant change, leadership in organizations, global and national culture, quality management, project management.
The third semester draws attention to employer branding as a mean of attracting and retaining talent, the conditions for talent development, the stimulus for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, the role of information technology and knowledge management. The program pays special attention to the role of lifelong learning and build up skills for continuing professional development through a specialized Practicum "Continuing Professional Development".
The program offers building on semester for candidates with a degree "Professional Bachelor" from the professional (vocational) field of study "Administration and Management"

В програмата могат да кандидатстват:
- завършилите средно образование - с полагане на кандидатстудентски изпит под формата на тест за общообразователна подготовка (ТОП) и представяне на диплома за завършено средно образование;
- завършилите друго висше образование, с диплома за съответната образователна степен и акредитиране на полученото обучение по регламентираната процедура на НБУ. Кандидатите не се явяват на ТОП.
Състезателният бал за класиране на кандидат-студентите се изчислява в точки, като максималният е 1000 точки. При формиране на бала участват следните компоненти:
- 70 % - ТОП;
- 30 % - средна аритметична оценка от матурите или средна аритметична оценка от зрелостните изпити в дипломата за средно образование.