LEAB063 Европейски институции (на английски и испански език)


The course aims at introducing basic concepts related to the establishment, functioning and development of the European institutions in both English and French languages. The course is designed to help students understand the different types of institutions that have been established in Europe since 1945. A particular focus of the course is put on the study of the European Union as a particular set of institutions and actors that produces specific types of polices affecting both states and citizens.

El curso tiene como objetivo introducir conceptos básicos relacionados con el establecimiento, funcionamiento y desarrollo de las instituciones europeas tanto en inglés como en francés. El curso está diseñado para ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender los diferentes tipos de instituciones que se han establecido en Europa desde 1945. El curso se centra particularmente en el estudio de la Unión Europea como un conjunto particular de instituciones y actores que produce tipos específicos de políticas que afectan tanto a los estados como a los ciudadanos.

прочети още
Приложни чужди езици за администрация и управление (на английски и втори чужд език)


гл. ас. Катя Христова-Вълчева  д-р
гл. ас. Магдалена Караджункова  д-р
гл. ас. Петя Георгиева  д-р

Описание на курса:


Успешно завършилите курса студенти:

1) знаят:

• същността на формиране и функциониране на основните политически институции на ЕС;

• разделението на правомощията и пракчиеското им прилагане от институциите на ЕС в процеса на управление на европейските политики

2) могат:

? да ползват специфична терминология относно работата на европейските институции на английски и испански език.

Предварителни изисквания:
Студентите да имат знания и/или умения:

? няма

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Course outline: issues, teaching techniques and requirements
  2. European politics after 1945: major phases of establishing Europe-wide organizations
  3. Institutions and scope of work of the Council of Europe
  4. Legal basis and scope of work of the European Union: general overview
  5. European Council as an institution of the European Union
  6. The Council of ministers as an institution of the European Union
  7. European Commission as an institution of the European Union
  8. European Parliament as an institution of the European Union
  9. Political parties within the European union
  10. Citizens organisations within the European union
  11. European Union enlargements in 1973, 1981-86, 1995, 2004-07, 2013
  12. Central and East European countries as new members of the European union
  13. The role of the European union in the world
  14. Other organizations and institutions in Europe: NATO, BSEC, etc.
  15. Evaluation

Литература по темите:

1. Jean Lecerf - Un tournant majeur de l’histoire. Comment naquit l’Europe unie (disponible sur le site www.nbu.bg/MOODLE)

2. Paul Magnette (ed.) - La Construction de l'Europe, Editions de l'Universite de Bruxelles, 2000

3. Paul Magnette (ed.) - Le nouveau modele europeen, Editions de l'Universite de Bruxelles, 2000

4. Sophie Jacquot et Cornelia Woll (2008), Action publique Europeenne : les acteurs strategiques face a l’Europe, Politique Europeenne, Hartman, Vol. 2008/02 - n° 25

5. Oliver TREIB, (2006) “Implementing and complying with EU governance outputs”, Living Rev. Euro. Gov., Vol. 1, (2006), No. 1.

6. The Domestic Impact of European Union Public Policy: Notes on Concepts, Methods, and the challenge of Empirical Research, Politique Europeenne, Hartman, Vol. 2002/01 - n° 5

7. Marie-Therese Bitsch, Wilfried Loth, Charles Barthel, (2007), Cultures Politiques, Opinion Publiques et integration europeenne, Etablissements Emile Bruylants ; 2007,

8. Thierry Chopin, Michel Foucher (2010), L’etat de l’Union Europeenne, Fondation Robert Schuman, 2010,

9. Thierry Chopin , Camille Lepinay (2010) Clivages et compromis politiques au Parlement europeen : comment vote-t-on a Strasbourg? Fondation Robert Schuman,


www.europa.eu.int - This is the official site of the European Union and the best source for information on EU activities and documents.

Other useful sites are that of the

European Parliament www.europarl.eu.int

EU-oriented think-tanks that generate policy papers on specific topics that might be useful in your research study:

• European Policy Centre: www.epc.eu

• Center for European Policy Studies: www.ceps.be

• EU Institute for Security Studies: www.iss.europa.eu

• Centre for European Reform: www.cer.org.uk

• European Council on Foreign Relations: www.ecfr.eu


Средства за оценяване:

50% - on-line test in English language

50% - practical exercise or seminar discussion in Spanish language