SHEM201 Public Relations Strategies
Public relations professionals today should enhance their role not only with the traditional communication and management skills, but also with the capability to research and understand various problems which might affect the corporation they are working for. It is expected however from a practitioner today to be able to develop public relations plans, to create and diffuse appealing and effective messages using both the traditional and the new media, and at the end to evaluate the effectiveness of these programs. The unit analyzes the operation of public relations in the context of modern organizations and its impact on the various publics – internal and external. The unit also focuses on the professional development on the field as well as on core issues and principles such as corporate social responsibility, media relations, planning, employee relations, consumer relations, etc.
The unit aims to provide students with the opportunity to understand the theoretical framework of the science and to develop practical skills in the complex field of public relations. Using various theories and principles, and through workshops, case studies, and real life examples, the students will be able to acquire a real sense of the strategic importance of public relations as well as be exposed to the practice of the profession.

Ана Круз
Димитриос Николаидис
Assist. Prof. Evelina Christova, PhD
Course Description:
Students who complete this course:
1) will be able to:
• Critically evaluate and apply the fundamental theories of public relations.
• Demonstrate deep knowledge of planning and compile public relations plans.
• Realize the importance of new media and new technologies in the area of communication and be able to assess the practical implications of them.
• Be acquainted with new Learning Technologies, such as on-line presentations and screen casts.
• No preliminary requirements
Full-time Programmes
Types of Courses:
Language of teaching:
• Lattimore Dan et al. (2012). Public relations: The Profession and the Practice, 4th edition, London, McGraw-Hill Higher Education
• All material used in this unit's classes are available in electronic form through CITY's E-Leaning Management System (MOLE) with enrollment password: THESSALONIKI
Additional Suggested Books
• Gregory, A., Willis, P., (2013). Strategic Public Relations Leadership. 1st ed. Routledge.
Suggested Journals
• Public Relations Journal (Public Relations Society of America)
• Journal of Public Relations Research
• Public Relations Quarterly
• Public Relations Tactics
• Journal of Business Communication
• Journal of Marketing Communications
• Journal of Business Ethics
Other Key Resources
• PR Newswire
• The Chartered Institute of Public Relations/ UK With over 9,000 members involved in all aspects of the public relations industry, CIPR (UK) is the largest professional body of its type in Europe. Useful career and jobs section.
• Institute for Public Relations IPR carries out valuable PR research, education programs, and makes data widely available to improve the profession. The research topic section is very useful particularly the new technology and social media research.
• Final examination: 70%
• Coursework: 30%