PIDM522 Социална работа със семейства. Психо-социални интервенции


The course introduces students to the different levels of relational processes in the family: emotional processes, communication, structure, life cycle. Introduces the specifics of the family interview and the technology for assessing a case for family counseling based on a family interview. Teaches basic knowledge about social work with families. Special focus is placed on families in difficult social situations and on the family as an environment for child development.

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Психо-социални интервенции с деца и семейства на английски език


доц. Златка Михова  д-р
ас. Антоанета Матеева  
гл. ас. Радостина Антонова  д-р

Описание на курса:


1) knowledge:

• specifics of family relations

• specifics of conducting a family interview

• specifics of social work with families

2) skills:

• to assess family relationships at the level of communication, emotional processes, structure and life cycle

• to create a systematic formulation and work plan based on a family interview

• provide counseling and information to families

Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. The family as a system of natural relations. The concepts of "norm" and "pathology" in family relations
  2. Social work with families
  3. Emotional processes in the family and their assessment
  4. Communication processes in the family and their assessment
  5. Family structure and its assessment
  6. Family life cycle and parenting skills
  7. Attitudes, stories, prejudices and their influence on family relationships
  8. Family interview - specifics. Assessment of parenting skills
  9. Social work with single-parent and reconstructed families
  10. Social work with families in which there is violence
  11. Social work with families with a child with a disability
  12. Assessment of family resilience and resources

Литература по темите:

1. Asen K. et al. (1989) A systems approach to child abuse: Management and treatment issues, 13: 45-57

2. Carr A. (1989) Countertransference to families where child abuse has occurred, J. of Family Therapy, 11: 87-97

3. Carter B., McGoldrick M. The changing family life cycle, Allyn and Bacon, 1989

4. Daniel G. (2005) Introducing systemic family therapy. Context, N. 2, 2005, (в работен превод)

5. Hutchinson E. (ed.)(2011) Dimensions of human behavior: Person and Environment. Sage Publ.

6. Minuchin S. Families and family therapy, Harvard Press, 1974

7. Sholevar P. (ed.) (2003) Textbook of Family and Couples Therapy, Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing Inc.