PIDM518 Практика: Формулировка на случай и изграждане на терапевтична връзка с клиента


The purpose the of course is to acquaint the students with the main elements and phases of case work in the course of social work with children and the principles of creating and formulating a case. A special focus of this course is the training of skills for transforming assessment into a specific individual plan for interventions with the child, family and environment and with a view to developing supervision skills.

прочети още
Психо-социални интервенции с деца и семейства на английски език


 Галина Маркова-Дерелиева  д-р

Описание на курса:


1) know:

- the phases of case work

- principles of case creation and formulation

- organizing the wording in a specific plan of interventions with the child and the family

2) skill:

- create an intervention plan

- do reassessment

- evaluate their interventions

Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:
Практика, практикум

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

Литература по темите:

Asen K. et al. (1989) A systems approach to child abuse: Management and treatment issues, 13: 45-57 (в работен превод)

Carr A. (1989) Countertransference to families where child abuse has occurred, J. of Family Therapy, 11: 87-97 (в работен превод)

Carter B., McGoldrick M. The changing family life cycle, Allyn and Bacon, 1989

Daniel G. (2005) Introducing systemic family therapy. Context, N. 2, 2005, (в работен превод)

Gabbard, G. (1994): “Psychodynamic assessment of the Patient”, Chapter 3 (pp. 61-68), in "Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice", American Psychiatric Press, Washington 1994.

Hinshelwood, R. (1991): “Psyhodynamic case formulation in assessment for psychotherapy”, British Journal of Psychotherapy 8:166-174, 1991

Hutchinson E. (ed.)(2011) Dimensions of human behavior: Person and Environment. Sage Publ.

Minuchin S. Families and family therapy, Harvard Press, 1974

Neuhauser, A. (2016). Predictors of maternal sensitivity in at-risk families, in “Early Child Development and Care“, Routledge.

Rhode, M. (2000): “Assessing children with communication disorders”, Chapter 1, pp. 9-33, in “Assessment in Child Psychotherapy”, eds. Rustin, M. & Quagliata, E., Tavistock clinic series, Karnac Books, London 2000

Rustin, M. & Quagliatta, E. (2000): “Assessment in Child Psychotherapy”, M. Rustin (ed.), Karnac 2000

Schore, Allan (1994). Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Sholevar P. (ed.) (2003) Textbook of Family and Couples Therapy, Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing Inc.

Turk, J. & Graham, P. & Verhulst, F. (2007): “Pervasive developmental disorders”, Chapter 3.6, pp. 140-151, in “Child and developmental psychiatry: A developmental approach”, Oxford University Press 2007.

Gabbard, G. (1994): “Psychodynamic assessment of the Patient”, Chapter 3 (pp. 61-68), in "Psychodynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice", American Psychiatric Press, Washington 1994.

Hinshelwood, R. (1991): “Psyhodynamic case formulation in assessment for psychotherapy”, British Journal of Psychotherapy 8:166-174, 1991

Rhode, M. (2000): “Assessing children with communication disorders”, Chapter 1, pp. 9-33, in “Assessment in Child Psychotherapy”, eds. Rustin, M. & Quagliata, E., Tavistock clinic series, Karnac Books, London 2000.