MHRE314 Управление на проекти


Practical and ready-to-be-applied course, with total duration of 30 class-hours, using appropriate training and learning forms:

І. Individual work with training materials

• Working with a reader – reading, experience-based reflection, setting a concept, applying in-bedded assignments, analysis assignments, study of work environments and practices

• Work with science publications and printed sources

• Work with electronic resources

• Development of tutor-marked and assessed written assignment, by any student

• Development of group projects.

ІІ. Interactive group-works and workshops, discussions, class assignments for understanding and skills development/ improvement

• Problem-solving workshops for forming/ development of personal characteristics

• Self-development and virtual discussion and problem-solving groups

• Tutor facilitated on-line and off-line discussions

• Video conference workshops.

As general aim of the course, the students are expected to acquire a set of concepts, models and applicable tools for project cycle management and planning with special focus on people, teams and processes.

The course provides for:

• A kernel (system) of knowledge – main concepts, models and approaches to project cycle management (PCM);

• Approaches and tools for setting and managing discreet project activities, at any stage of PCM;

• Elaboration of skills for applying these models in particular situation/ settings/ environments, by systematic use of appropriate tools;

• Analyses of people’s roles and managing people within PCM;

• Analysis of project manager’s/ Team leader’s role and his/ her functions;

• Analysis of other major roles in the PCM.

прочети още
Управление и развитие на човешките ресурси (на английски език)


доц. Мария Иванова  д-р
доц. Юлиана Василева  д-р

Описание на курса:


Successful students will:

1) know:

• Concepts and models for PCM;

• Approaches and tools for analyzing and planning projects’ activities;

• The main human roles in PCM;

• Instruments for work-breakdown, detailed planning, risks’ description and assessment, planning resources and budgets;

• The main requirements towards crucial stakeholders.

2) be able to:

• Apply and use appropriate instruments for environment scanning, gaps assessment, project’s product(s) description;

• Analyse and articulate the requirements/ expectations of the main stakeholders;

• Set adequate, appropriate and measurable project aims, in line with organizational targets;

• Describe in systematic manner the scope of the project, the limitations of project scope, appropriate assumptions and pre-conditions;

• Apply systematic analysis of applicable categories of risks, risk assessment, and mitigation/ risk avoidance activities planning;

• Plan and measure needed efforts, durations, timings, resources and competencies, as elements of detailed work-plans and budgets;

• Plan and implement appropriate organisation, communication and reporting systems within project teams;

• To design and present adequate Terms of Reference for a particular project.

Предварителни изисквания:
Students should have knowledge and/ or skills in:

• Managing people and processes.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. 1 The change, aims of organisation, projects, project cycle, processes’ quality assurance and outcomes.
  2. 2 Terms of Reference for a project – approaches, elements, analytical tools, description, articulation and presenting.
  3. 3 Approaches and instruments for detailed planning, schedules and budgets.
  4. 4 People and projects – main roles, stakeholders, approaches and tools for communication, managing, motivating and accountability.
  5. 5 Selecting of approach and tools for initial screening and analysis of the environment, project’s aims, and stakeholders.
  6. 6 Applying approaches and tools for initial screening and analysis of the environment, project’s aims, and stakeholders.
  7. 7 Selecting approaches and tools for describing project’s product(s), scope, limitations of project scope, risks, detailed planning, organising/ setting project’s team, requirements towards crucial stakeholders.
  8. 8 Applying approaches and tools for describing project’s product(s), scope, limitations of project scope, and risks.
  9. 9 Applying approaches and tools for detailed planning, organising/ setting project’s team, requirements towards crucial stakeholders.
  10. 10 Applying approaches and tools for developing project implementation plan and schedule, describing and measuring necessary resources, design of project’s budget.

Литература по темите:

• Bazlyankov, L., Project Management, Reader, NBU, 2012 (English version)

• Brown, M. Successful Project Management in a week, IM Foundation, Headway Hoddler and Stoughton, 1994

• Кендал, Б., Управление на човешките ресурси, УНСС, 1995

• Lock, D. The Essentials of Project Management, Gower, 1998

• Project Management Guide, European Commission, Method and Instruments for Project Cycle Management, Office for official publications of the European communities, 1997.

Средства за оценяване:

Additional pre-conditions for forming the final score: The final score is computed by two written exam components – test and written report on specific issue, with the same weight – 50% each.