MBRM522 Семинар: Стратегическо развитие на международната дейност на фирмата


The course is summarizing and aims to integrate the knowledge and competences acquired within all the audit courses in the program, as well as the practical skills and results of the training courses in a common, real and market-ready strategy for the development of the company's international activity. .

Individual components / aspects of the internationalization strategy (e.g. product or geographical expansion) are subject to detailed development by students in other training courses at the International Business and Development Masters’ Program. The purpose of this course is to structure and integrate these individual parts into a common framework strategy for the development of international activities.

During the course, students propose and present before a jury a framework strategy for the development of the company's international activity, which is evaluated according to the validity of the analysis, the relevance of the studies made, the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed instruments, and especially the degree of readiness for practical application.

прочети още
Международен бизнес и развитие ( на английски език)


гл. ас. Радосвета Кръстанова-Канева  д-р
доц. Ирена Николова  д-р
доц. Цветелина Маринова  д-р
гл. ас. Елена Спасова  д-р
доц. Едуард Маринов  д-р

Описание на курса:


Students who complete this course:

1) will know:

• the factors that determine the need and / or the opportunity for the development of the company's international activity;

• the peculiarities of the process of planning the business activity in the conditions of the international business environment;

• The factors behind the selection and use of different approaches and methods to go abroad and create a market presence.

2) will be able to:

• analyze and evaluate the need and / or opportunities for strategic development of the company's international activity;

• assess the impact of international business environment factors on international business agents;

• use in practice techniques and methods for analyzing and evaluating alternative approaches and strategies for international business;

• provide practical justification, methods and tools for strategic development of the company's international operations, on the basis of which they can make adequate management decisions for behavior on the international market.

Предварителни изисквания:
Students are required to have the following knowledge and/or skills:

• Development Economics

• International trade - theory and policies

• Global financial system

• Small and medium-sized enterprises in an international environment

• International investment analysis

• Foreign trade deals

• International business strategies

• Foreign exchange risk management

• Marketing in international business

• Current opportunities and problems for starting a business in emerging and emerging economies

• New business models in Industry 4.0

• Geographical expansion of business activity

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. 1 Development of a framework strategy for the development of the international activity of the company with a high degree of readiness for practical application 2 Presentation before a jury of a framework strategy for the development of the company's international activity

Литература по темите:

Keegan, Warren J., and Mark C. Green. Global Marketing. Tenth edition, Pearson Education, 2020.

Appleyard, D. and A. Field, Jr. 2014. International economics — 8th ed. McGraw-Hill.

David W. Cravens, Nigel F. Piercy. 2013. Strategic marketing. New York: Mc Graw Hill

Doole, I., R. Lowe, A. Kenyon. 2019. International marketing strategy: Analysis, development and implementation. Hampshire: Cengage Learning

Grunig, R., Morschett, D. Developing International Strategies, 2nd Ed., Springer, 2017

Gillon, J.A., Pearson, L. Developing Strategies for International Business, Palgrave, 2004

Reed S.F, Lajoux, A.R. The art of M&A, McGraw Hill, 2007

Internationalization. Firm Strategies and Management. Edited by Wheeler, C., McDonald, F., Greaves, I. Palgrave, 2003.

Papers in specialized economic journals.

Webpages of national and international institutions.

Средства за оценяване:

• Ongoing assessment - development and presentation of an ongoing assessment assignment (100%)

• Final assessment - development and presentation of an ongoing assessment assignment (100%)