MBRM520 Планиране на географско разширяване на фирмената дейност
The course is practically targeted and aims to develop a realistic and applicable plan for geographical expansion of business activity. Within the project, students should integrate their knowledge and skills in the fields of international trade, international marketing, international finance and strategic management in order to identify the best possible geographic market for the selected product (good or service) and use the most effective tools for planning the successful sale of the product in their chosen geographic market.
The result of the course is a complete, ready-to-use geographical expansion plan, including:
• justification of the need and / or the possibility of geographical expansion in terms of the market position, market position and market strategy of the company or product;
• Reasonable identification and selection of market (s) for geographical expansion of business activity;
• Market research on the selected market (s) in terms of the opportunities for realization of the selected product - foreign trade regime, competitive environment, economic and demographic characteristics, consumer behavior, etc .;
• identifying and justifying the most effective value management strategy and channels for marketing the selected product in the selected market;
• strategic planning of the process of realization of the planned geographical expansion of the business activity.
The product of this course is complementary to other training courses within the International Business and Development Masters’ Program. It is strongly recommended that students follow a common line in completing the assignments within these training courses, i.e. the analysis of this course should be deepened in other directions in the other training courses.

доц. Едуард Маринов д-р
Описание на курса:
Students who complete this course:
1) will know:
• the factors that determine the need and / or opportunity for geographical expansion of the business activity;
• the peculiarities of the process of planning the business activity in the conditions of the international business environment;
• the factors behind the choice and use of different approaches and methods to go abroad and create a market presence;
• the principles and methods for the establishment and functioning of systems for the organization and management of international marketing activities.
2) will be able to:
• analyze and evaluate the need and / or the possibility of geographical expansion in terms of the market position, market position and market strategy of the company or product;
• to carry out real studies in the field of foreign trade regimes, competitive environment, economic and demographic characteristics of the market, consumer behavior, etc. for selected product and selected market;
• evaluate the impact of international business environment factors on international business agents;
• apply in practice techniques and methods for analyzing and evaluating alternative approaches and strategies for international business;
• take adequate management decisions for behavior on the international market.
Предварителни изисквания:
Students are required to have the following knowledge and/or skills:
• International marketing;
• Strategic marketing;
• International economic relations.
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- justification of the need and / or the possibility of geographical expansion in terms of the market position, market position and market strategy of the company or product;
- reasonable identification and selection of market (s) for geographical expansion of business activity;
- market research on the selected market (s) in terms of the opportunities for realization of the selected product - foreign trade regime, competitive environment, economic and demographic characteristics, consumer behavior, etc .;
- identifying and justifying the most effective value management strategy and channels for marketing the selected product in the selected market;
- strategic planning of the process of realization of the planned geographical expansion of the business activity.
Литература по темите:
Marinov, Е. Lecture course in International Marketing (MBRM517).
Marinov, Е. Lecture course in International Trade (MBRM501).
Doole, I., R. Lowe, A. Kenyon. 2019. International marketing strategy: Analysis, development and implementation. Hampshire: Cengage Learning
Appleyard, D. and A. Field, Jr. 2014. International economics — 8th ed. McGraw-Hill.
David W. Cravens, Nigel F. Piercy. 2013. Strategic marketing. New York: Mc Graw Hill
Cateora, Ph.R., Gilly, M. C. and J. L. Graham. 2019. International marketing. 18th edition. US, McGraw-Hill.
Douglas West, John Ford, Essam Ibrahim. 2015. Strategic Marketing: Creating competitive advantage. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Malhotra, K.N. 2019. Marketing research: An applied orientatio. 9th edition. US, Pearson.
Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong. 2018. Principles of Marketing. 17th Edition. US, Pearson.
Каракашева, Л. 2012. Международен маркетинг. София: ИК „Призма”.
Papers in specialized economic journals.
Webpages of national and international institutions.
Средства за оценяване:
• Ongoing assessment - development of an ongoing assessment assignment (100%)
• Final assessment - development of an ongoing assessment assignment (100%)