NETB127 Лабораторни упражнения по програмиране


This course is intended for beginners in computer programming and offers basic practical knowledge that covers the fundamentals of object-oriented programming, starting from the procedural programming paradigm. The course is the practical component of the initial computer programming course in the first semester of the Networking Technologies program. It is conducted in the form of twelve computer programming labs, during which the topics are introduced based on problem solving and implementation of program examples. Also, the course serves as background for the course of Object-oriented programming in the second semester of the curriculum.

The programming environment is Linux/Unix OS and GCC C++ compiler. The usage of any IDE is not encouraged in this course. These technical prerequisites are extremely important for the way the material is introduced during the course.

The course covers in details the fundamental data types, strings, program control flow, program structure, functions and variable scope, arrays and vectors. It also gives an introduction of encapsulation and class implementation in C++ programming language.

прочети още
Мрежови технологии (на английски език)


доц. Ласко Ласков  д-р

Описание на курса:


Computer programming, procedural programming paradigm, basic object-oriented programming, C++.
Предварителни изисквания:
The students must have the required level of English language (B2). High school mathematics, basic computer skills.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. First steps in computer programming. Introduction to your programming environment.
  2. Introduction to program structure. Simple input/output. Common errors.
  3. Fundamental data types. Numeric data types. Arithmetic operations.
  4. Introduction to character strings.
  5. Basic control flow. Conditional statements: if, if/else, switch/case.
  6. Repeatedly executable statements: while, do/while, and for loops.
  7. Introduction to functions. Implementing your own functions.
  8. Functions and variable scope. Local and global variables. Passing parameters by value and by reference.
  9. Boolean operations. De Morgan's law. Pseudo-random numbers.
  10. Arrays and vectors.
  11. Introduction to classes. Data abstraction and encapsulation.
  12. Iterative algorithms examples. Testing and debugging.

Литература по темите:

Laskov, L., "Progrmming in C++, Examples and Solutions, Part One: From Procedural Towards Object-Oriented Paradigm", New Bulgarian University, ISBN 978-954-535-903-3, (2016).

Horstmann, C., "Brief C++: Late Objects", John Wiley & Sons, 3nd edition, ISBN 111-867-426-X, 978-111-867-426-0, (2017).

Horstmann, C., "Big C++", John Wiley & Sons, 3rd edition, ISBN 111-940-290-5, 978-111-940-290-9, (2017).