POLD111 Европеизация на миграционната политика


The aim of the research seminar is to “map” the theoretical field of migration analyzing the most influential conceptions in a comparative perspective, as well as the main models of managing the flows and stocks in the EU.

прочети още
Политически науки


проф. Анна Кръстева  д-р

Описание на курса:


Learn the main theoretical tools for analyzing the migration phnomena

• Know the different political models for managing migration flows and stocks

• Be informed of the migration movements in Southeastern Europe

• Be able to apply the theoretical models to empirical realities

• Be prepared to formulate recommendations for improving public policies and human rights protection of migrants in EE

Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

Литература по темите:

Задължителни - публикациите на НБУ:

Кръстева, А. (съст.) Имиграцията в България. София, 2005.

Кръстева, А. (съст.) От етничност към миграция. София: НБУ, 2004.

Кръстева, А. (съст.) Фигурите на бежанеца. София: НБУ, 2006.

Препоръчителни - публикации на преподавателии от НБУ:

Brown, Elinor, Krasteva, Anna, Ranieri, Maria (eds) E-learning & Social media. Education and citizenship for the digital 21st century. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2016.

Krasteva Anna et Gueorguieva Petia (dir) La rue et l’-e-rue. Nouvelles contestations citoyennes. Paris : Harmattan, 2015.

Krasteva A. et Vasilcu Despina (eds) (2014) Migrations en blanc. Medecins d’est en ouest. Paris : l’Harmattan.


Goodwin-Gill, G. S. Immigration policy.- In: Hawkesworth, M. and M. Kogan. Encyclopedia of government and politics, vol. I. London and New York: Routledge, 1992, 714 – 729.

Clifford. J. Diasporas.- In: Guibernau, M. and J. Rex. The ethnicity reader. Oxford: Polity Press, 1997, 283 – 290.

Massey, D.S. Causes of migration.- In: Guibernau, M. and J. Rex. The ethnicity reader. Oxford: Polity Press, 1997, 257 – 268.

Rex, J. The nature of ethnicity in the project of migration.- In: Guibernau, M. and J. Rex. The ethnicity reader. Oxford: Polity Press, 1997, 269 – 283.

Tehranian, M. Pancapitalism and migration in historical perspective.- International political sciences review, 1998, vol.19, N 3, 289 – 303.

EC (2004) Information on the transitional rules governing the free movement of workers from, to and between the new member states, http://europa.eu.int/eures

Jileva, Е.(2002 Visa and Free Movement of Labour: the Uneven Imposition of the EU Acquis on the Accession States.-Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28 (4), October, pp. 277-300

Kraus, M., Schwager, R. (2004) EU Enlargement and Immigration.- Journal of Common Market Studies 42 (1), pp. 165-181.

Wallace, C. (2002) Opening and closing borders: migration and mobility in East-Central Europe.-Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (28):4, October, pp. 603-627.

Wallace, C. and D. Stola (eds) (2001).-Patterns of migration in Central Europe. New York, Palgrave.

Laczko F., A. von Koppenfels and J. Barthel. (2002) Trafficking in women from Central and Eastern Europe: a review of statistical data.- In: Laczko F., I. Stacher and Koppenfels A. von (eds) New challenges for migration policy in Central and Eastern Europe. The Hague: IOM: TMC Asser press, 153 – 174.

Средства за оценяване:

• Paper of 20 pages and a public defense with all the PhD students and the teaching team.