POLD106 Актуални теоретични въпроси на международните отношения - международни отношения


Курсът „Актуални теоретични въпроси на международните отношения” си поставя за цел да задълбочи познанията на студентите в областта на теоретичните подходи в изследването на международните отношения. Курсът се води на семинарен принцип, като самите докторанти участват активно в анализа и коментара на предварително подбрани класически текстове.

Курсът надгражда знанията на докторантите в сферата на теориите за международните отношения, помага им да разграничават отделните методологически и теоретични подходи, прецизира и доразвива уменията им за анализ, стимулира критическото мислене.

прочети още
Политически науки


проф. Антоний Тодоров  д.н.

Описание на курса:


Курсът изгражда аналитични умения и предоставя теоретични инструменти за изследователска работа в облстта на международните отношенвия.
Предварителни изисквания:
Основни понятия по политически науки и международни отношения.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

Литература по темите:

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BROWN, CHRIs. Development and Dependency. In: Light M., A.J.K.Groom (eds). International Relations: Handbook on Current Theory.- Pinter, London,1985.

BROWN, SEYOM, International Relations in a Changing Global System. Ch.8 The Normative Framework. (p.131-139). НБУ-Библиотека, Ч 327 / B89.

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BULL, HEDLEY. Does Order Exist in World Politics? In: The Anarchical Society. A Study of Order in World Politics. MacMillan (p. 23-52)

BULL, HEDLEY. The Balance of Power and International Order. In: Perspectives on World Politics. A Reader edited by Richard Little and Michael Smith. Routledge 1991.

BULL, HEDLEY.The contemporary Relevance of the Balance of Power. In: Olson W.C. (ed. by) The Theory and Practice of International Relations. (p.148-154) НБУ-Библиотека, Ч 327 / T44.

BURCHILL, SCOTT. Introduction. In: Scott Burchill, Richard Devetak, Andrew Linklater, Matthew Christian Reus-Smith and Jacqui True. Theories of International Relations, Second edition, Palgrave, 2001 (p. 1-28)

BURTON, J.W., The Scope of the Study. Conceptualizing and Models. In: John W.Burton. World Society, Cambridge, 1972 (p. 1-51)

BUZAN, B. Individual Security and National Security. In: Barry Buzan. People, States and Fear. An Agenda for International Security Studies in the Post-Cold War Era. Harvester Wheatsheaf (p. 35-56)

BUZAN, B. The Evolution of Deterrence: Theory and Policy since 1945. In: Barry Buzan. An Introduction to Strategic Studies. Military Technology and International Relations. MacMillan. (p. 143-162)

BUZAN, BARRY. The Idea of State and National Security. In: Perspectives on World Politics. A Reader edited by Richard Little and Michael Smith. Routledge 1991.

DEUTSCH, KARL ET AL. The Process of Itegration among States. In: Luard E. Basic texts in International Relations.- MacMillan,1992.

DINAN, DESMOND, Historical dictionary of the European Community / Desmond Dinan

DOUGHERTY, JAMES E., R.L.PFALTZGRAFF, JR. Neorealist Theory. In: James E.Dougherty, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff, Jr. In: Contending Theories of International Relations. A Comprehensive Survey. Fifth Edition, Longman (p. 80-103)

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GALTUNG, JOHAN. A Structural Theory of Imperialism. In: Perspectives on World Politics. A Reader edited by Richard Little and Michael Smith. Routledge 1991.

GEAROID O TUATHAIl. Postmodern Geopolitics? The modern geopolitical imagination and beyond. In: O.Tuathail Georoid, S.Dalby. Rethinking Geopolitics.- Routledge,- 1999.

GOLDSTAIN, JOSHUA S. International relations / Joshua Goldstein

GOODWIN, ROBERT E. AND HANS-DIETER KLINGEMANN (eds.) A New Handbook of Political Science. Oxford 1999.

HARDT M., ANTONIO NEGRI. Empire. Harvard University Pres, 2001. НБУ-Библиотека, Ч 327 / H25.

HOLLIS, M., ST. SMITH. The Growth of the Discipline. In: Martin Hollis and Steve Smith, Explaining and Understanding International Relations, Clanderon Press – Oxford (p. 16-44)

HOLSTI, K. J., International politics : a framework for analysis / K. J. Holsti

HOLSTI, K.J. INTERNATIONAL POLTICS: A FRAMEWORK FOR ANALYSIS. Ch.11 Explanations of Foreign Policy. (p.250-288). НБУ-Библиотека, Ч 327 / H75.

HOLTSLAG, AART (ED.) Integration in the International Relations: course syllabus (POL651).

HOLTSLAG, AART, International political economy : course syllabus : Сборник от текстове в помощ на студентите POL 662 / Aart Holtslag

HOLTSLAG, AART, International politics of human rights : course syllabus : Сборник от текстове в помощ на студентите POL 663 / Aart Holtslag

JACKSON, ROBERT AND SORENSEN, GEORG. Introduction to International RelationsTheories and Approaches. 3rd edition, Oxford university press, 2006.CHAPTER 6: Social Constructivism (162-177)

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KAPLAN, MORTON. Six Types of International System. In: Luard E.Basic texts in International Relations.- Macmillan, 1992.

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KEOHANE ROBERT O., J.S.NYE. Interdependence in World Politics. In: Robert O.Keohane, Joseph S.Nye. Power and Interdependence, Harper Collins Publishers. (p. 3-22)

KEOHANE, ROBERT O. Cooperation and International Regimes. In: Perspectives on World Politics. A Reader edited by Richard Little and Michael Smith. Routledge 1991.

KEOHANE, ROBERT O., J.S.NYE. Transgovernmental Relations and International Organizations. In: Perspectives on World Politics. A Reader edited by Richard Little and Michael Smith. Routledge 1991.

KIRGIS, FREDERIC L., International organizations in their legal setting / Frederic L. Kirgis, Jr. Call Number: Ч 341.2 / K 48

KRASNER, STEPHEN D. State Power and the Structure of International Trade. In: Perspectives on World Politics. A Reader edited by Richard Little and Michael Smith. Routledge 1991.

KRASNER, STEPHEN D. Structural Causes and Regime Consequences: Regimes as Intervening Variables. In: Stephen D.Krasner. International Regimes. Cornell University Press, 1983. (p. 1-21)

KRASNER, STEPHEN D. Transforming International Regimes. In: Olson W.C. (ed. by) The Theory and Practice of International Relations. (p.202-212) НБУ-Библиотека, Ч 327 / T44.

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PEARSON, FREDERIC S. International relations: the global condition in the late twentieth century / Frederic Pearson, J. Martin Rochester

PEARSON, FREDERIC S., International political economy : conflict and cooperation in the global system / Frederic S. Pearson, Simon Payaslian

RICHARD C.SNYDER, H.W.BRUCK, AND BURTON SAPIN. Decision-Making as an Approach to the Study of International Politics. In: Hoffmann St. Contemporary Theory in Internatonal Relations.- 1960.

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ROSENAU, J.N. Thinking Theory Thoroughly. In: James N. Rosenau. The Scientific Study of Foreign Policy. Frances Pintner Ltd, Nichols Publishing Co. (p. 19-31)

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ROTHSTEIN, ROBERT L. On the Costs of Realism. In: Perspectives on World Politics. A Reader edited by Richard Little and Michael Smith. Routledge 1991.

ROURKE, JOHN T. International politics on the world stage / John Rourke, Mark Boyer

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SCHIAVONE, GIUSEPPE, International organizations : a Dictionary & Directory / Giuseppe Schiavone, Call Number: С 341.2 / S 32

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WIENER, ANTJE. Constructivist Approaches in International Relations Theory: Puzzles and Promises. Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica / Review of Italian Political Science 2007, 1.

ZEHFUSS, MAJA. Constructivism in International Relations: The Politics of Reality. CAMBRIDGE STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: 83.

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