PIDM511 Правни и етични аспекти на социалната работа - Втора част


The course is designed to deepening students' knowledge of the legal and ethical aspects of social work.

The second part of the course aims:

- to examine in detail the tools offered by the Bulgarian legislation in the field of child protection and social assistance;

- to discuss in depth the specific legal and ethical dimensions of society's attitude towards social care.

прочети още
Психо-социални интервенции с деца и семейства на английски език


доц. Румен Петров  д-р

Описание на курса:


Successful graduates of the course will:

1) know:

- the social benefits and social services offered by the Bulgarian State;

- what are the rights of the child and what are the existing child protection measures;

- what are the current trends in state-provided support to people with disabilities

(2) be able to:

- apply knowledge in practice by handling the relevant regulations;

- have professional conduct adequate to the legal requirements;

- justify defend their own on the legal and ethical issues arising in the performance of social work.

Предварителни изисквания:
Students to have knowledge and/or skills:

• In the field of social legislation, child development

• Knowledge of public policies in the areas of child protection, health, education and anti-social behaviour of minors.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

Литература по темите:

Michael D. A. Freeman (1992) Children, their Families and the Law: Working with the Children Act. MACMILLAN

Department for Education (DFE) (2013) ‘Children in care’ [online]. Available at families/ childrenincare/ a0068940/

Gerald P. Koocher & Patricia C. Keith¬ Spiegel (1990) Children, Ethics, & the Law. Professional Issues and Cases. University of Nebraska Press.