PIDM504 Работа по случай - метод за индивидуализиране на грижата в социалната работа


The course aims to introduce students to the case model, the main elements and phases in case work in the course of social work with children and families. A special focus is placed on assessing the different environments in which the child develops and how they affect their overall well-being. The role of the social worker is emerging as part of the child development media. The need to coordinate the case and work in a multidisciplinary team of specialists to achieve changes in both the functioning of the child and the appropriate partnership of the key people and environments is discussed.

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Психо-социални интервенции с деца и семейства на английски език


доц. Румен Петров  д-р
ас. Антоанета Матеева  

Описание на курса:


Successful graduates of the course will:

1) know:

• The elements of evaluation and the links between them.

• The principles of coordinating individual childcare.

• Knowledge of the case handling approach and its meaning in the social care system and child protection.

(2) be able to:

• To orient themselves in the information on the case provided by different sources in the supervision they carry out.

• Understand the nature of the case handling approach and apply it to the supervisor.

• Analyze and work with the different environments of the child.

Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Assessment of the child (areas, instruments, documentation). Indirect assessment (documents, interviews with relatives and professionals)
  2. Assessment of the child (areas, tools, documentation). Direct assessment through an interview with the child/adolescent.
  3. Family assessment - parents, siblings, family history. Extended family.
  4. Family assessment - family dynamics, impact on the child. Risks and protective factors.
  5. Group assessment. The child in the context of a peer group. Group dynamics. Risks.
  6. Group assessment. The child in the context of a peer group. Group dynamics. Protective factors.
  7. Evaluation of the institution - main task, agenda. Risks and protective factors.
  8. Assessment of the institution - power structure and leadership. Organization of the daily routine – flexibility versus rigidity.
  9. Evaluation of the institution - consulting for an individual approach.
  10. Community assessment - social networks - risk and protective factors.Institutions (court, police, health care, education, public health, social care, religious institutions, sports, etc.) and informal organizations - risks and protective factors.
  11. Formulation of the case. Conflict dynamics, resources, risks, and protective factors in attachment contexts.
  12. Case coordination. Principles, leadership.
  13. Coordination - Conflicts and Management.
  14. Coordination - organization. Inter-institutional cooperation (formal vs. informal).
  15. Coordination - documentation.

Литература по темите:

Bowlby, J. (1969) Child Care and the Growth of Love, Harmondsworth, Penguin.

Department for Education (DFE) (2013) ‘Children in care’ [online]. Available at families/ childrenincare/ a0068940/

Erikson, E.H. (1950) Childhood and Society, New York, Norton Books.

Fagan, M. (2006) ‘Who cares? The emotional needs of young children’ in Granville, J. and Miller, B. (eds) Care Stories, London, Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust.

Goffman, E. (1963) Stigma, Harmondsworth, Penguin.

Wilson, K., Ruch, G., Lymberry, M. and Cooper, A. (2011) ‘What do we mean by relationship-based practice?’, extract fromSocial Work: An Introduction to Contemporary Practice, Harlow, Pearson Education.