PIDM502 Невробиологични основи на нарушенията в развитието
This course presents the brain structures linked to the human behaviour, the neurobiological models and theories of human behaviour and its function in norm and pathology. The etiological mechanisms and brain structures included in the realisation of emotions, self-control and self-regulation, cognitive functions, genetics, neurobiology and neurochemistry of the neurological and psychological disorders will be reviewed.
доц. Маргарита Станкова д-р
Мартин Николов
Описание на курса:
Students who complete this course:
1) will know more about:
- Neurobiological foundations of developmental disturbances and pathology
- Theories and mechanisms of the neurobiological functioning disturbances
2) will be able to participate in studies and experiments investigating the neurobiological mechanisms of human behaviour in norm or pathology
Предварителни изисквания:
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
Литература по темите:
1. Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Nervous System Disorders in Developing Countries. Neurological, Psychiatric, and Developmental Disorders: Meeting the Challenge in the Developing World. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2001.
2. Sternberg, R. Cognitive Psychology. Wadsworth, 2009.
3. Teeter A., M. Semrud-Ceikeman. Child Neuropsychology. 1997.
4. Peters T. Autism – from theoretical understanding to educational intervention. 1997.
5. Rosenzweig, Mark & Breedlove, Stephen & Leiman, Arnold. (2012). Biological psychology: An introduction to behavioral, cognitive, and clinical neuroscience (3rd ed.)
6. Kaderavek, J. N. Language Disorders in Children: Fundamental Concepts of Assessment and Intervention, Allyn & Bacon 2011
7. National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2008) Mental Health Problems in Early Childhood Can Impair Learning and Behavior for Life: Working Paper N 6.
8. Owens, R. E., D. E. Metz, A. Haas, Communication disorders, Allyn&Bacon, 2000
9. Shames George H., Elisabeth H. Wiig, Human Communication Disorders, 1998