COMM832 Вътрешноорганизационни комуникации



The course introduces students to the importance of internal organizational communications in achieving common communication goals of organizations. It aims to provide students with knowledge on how to work effectively with internal audiences and build practical skills in defining the internal audience and work with them.

прочети още
Международни бизнес комуникации (на английски език)


доц. Евелина Христова  д-р
доц. Владислав Димитров  д-р

Описание на курса:



1) know:

What are the specifics of internal communications and how to implement their planning and programming in the context of overall communication objectives of the organizations.

2) can:

To plan strategic communications for internal audiences, set communication goals and objectives and use different tactics to achieve the set targets in terms of internal publics.

Предварителни изисквания:
PRELIMINARY requirements

Students have knowledge and / or skills:

To know the basic principles of PR and communication processes

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Organizational communications. External and internal communications. Introduction to the course.
  2. Internal publics. Tiny, small, medium, large, giant communications
  3. Globalization, localization and glocalization
  4. Bulgaria in the EU and the four fundamental freedoms. Prerequisites for a complication of internal communications
  5. Seminar: Directive 2002/14 / EC on informing and consulting employees. White Paper on Communication. EU 2020.
  6. Organizational structure. The place of communication in the organization.
  7. Place of internal communications within the organization. PR and HR departments, finance and law departments
  8. Functions of internal communications. The role of feedback across the organization
  9. Substantive aspects of internal communications. Communication theories
  10. Motivation and teamwork. Dynamics of groups
  11. Classical instruments (tactics)
  12. New high-tech instruments (tactics)
  13. Internal communications in Bulgaria. Research, trends
  14. Seminar: Internal communication plan for Bulgarian company
  15. Seminar: Internal communication plan for foreign / joint venture

Литература по темите:

Smith, Lynn and Maunter, Pamela (2008), Effective Internal Communication (PR In Practice), Kogan Page.

Broom, Glen M. Cutlip and Center (2009) Effective Public Relations, Prentice Hall.

Holtz, Shel (2004), Corporate conversations. A guide to crafting Effective and Appropriate Internal Communications. Amacom Publishing, New York.

Smith, Lyn (2010), Effective Internal Communication, Kogan Page, London.

Goldblatt, Joe (2005) Special Events. John Wiley & Sons.

Glenn Bowdin, Johnny Allen, William O'Toole, Rob Harris, Ian McDonnell (2011) Events Management Series. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.

Quirke, Bill. (2008) Making the connections. Using Internal Communications to turn strategy into action. Gower Publishing.

Wright, Mark (2009) Gower Handbook of Internal Communications. Gower Publishing.

Ragusa, Antonio (2010) Internal Communication Management. Ventus Publishing.

Verghese, Aniisu K. (2012) Internal Communications. SAGE Publications.

Средства за оценяване:

