COMM801 Meждународна бизнес среда на корпоративни комуникации
International Business Environment (IBE) is believed to be essential to the context of the implementation of international business and an important factor in the management of companies, as well as the analysis of large-scale enterprises.
The course includes the study of foreign, international environment in which the companies conduct their business which is the international context in which the companies are located. It is the environment in which the company is incised and what distinguishes the international business environment than other areas of management.
The study of international business environment is believed to be important in businesses because companies essentially held various cross-border operations.
As companies expand in foreign markets in their structural and environmental problems, the degree of risk for them increases.
International business environment is multidimensional - it involves political risks, cultural differences, commercial risks, legal and tax characteristics. Therefore, the course is interdisciplinary and includes issues from different disciplines (eg., Marketing, finance, operations, strategy, organizational behavior, legal framework, culture, tax regime) the theories and methods.

доц. Нинел Нешева-Кьосева д-р
Описание на курса:
o Develop knowledge and skills among students studying the course to analyze foreign communications targeted market
o To enhance the skills of students to evaluate various types of risk in foreign markets.
o To develop thinking in terms of strategies and their effectiveness on a global, international, multinational and transnational communication market.
Successful graduates of the course students:
1) know:
o The main types of international communications markets and core business strategies appropriate for them
o The value chain of the company
o The objectives of the company to an international market (Objectives Porter)
o Localization and profitability of different markets (imperative localization).
o The main international trade and tax regimes
o The main cultural characteristics of users of communications products in global markets.
2) can:
o Understand and analyze communications markets of different types in order to achieve long-term profitability
o To choose an appropriate strategy of the company
o To perform a systematic reduction of the production cost of communications product
o To create an appropriate organization of the company in this market.
Предварителни изисквания:
Students have knowledge and / or skills:
of Proficiency in English
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
Литература по темите:
Модели за изготвяне на бизнес план
Brinckerhoff, Peter C. (2000) Social Entrepreneurship: The Art of Mission-Based Venture Development New York: John Wiley & Sons
Wolk, Andrew and Kreitz, Kelley (2008) Business Planning for Enduring Social Impact: A Social-Entrepreneurial Approach to Solving Social Problems Cambridge: Root Cause.
Harris, Hank "Business Plan or Strategic Plan: What's the Difference" (2008), download at:
Творческа автобиография на преподавателя Виктор Аврамов
Творческа автобиография на преподавателя Нинел Иванова Нешева-Кьосева, доктор, доцент по Икономика
Образование и научни степени и звания:
Академична длъжност: доцент
Образование: висше - магистър по история, магистър по счетоводство и контрол
Основни изследователски интереси в областта на: Икономическа теория: Нова институционална икономика и приложните й дисциплини - специално: устойчиво, социално и екологично счетоводство и отчетност
Допълнителни изследователски интереси в областта на:
Стопанска история, финансова икономика,
Възможности за експертиза в областта на:
Икономическа теория, Стопанска история, Устойчиво, социално и екологично счетоводство и отчетност вкл. Silent and Shadow accounting
Преподавателски интереси в областта на:
Икономическа теория и история, Нова институционална икономика), Устойчиво, социално и екологично счетоводство и отчетност, институционални модели на устойчива отчетност) Парична икономика
Обществена дейност (членство в научни и обществени организации, редакционни колегии и др.):
Участие в национални и международни проекти:
Договор № BG051PO001-3.3.04/38 "Развитие потенциала на докторанти и млади учени за интер-дисциплинарни социално-икономически изследвания 2011; Оперативна програма Развитие на човешките ресурси" ЕС
По-важни публикации:
Nesheva-Kiosseva, N., Robert Hickey, A user-friendly method for monitoring ecotourism trends in Bulgarian pilot regions based on the results of the biodiversity conservation and economic growth (BCEG) project, 2011, Brussels IBSN 2223-9014
Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli, Mara Del Baldo, Ninel Neshceva - Kiosseva, Sabrina Gigli Implementing sustainability reporting in SGR Group Italy and Bulgaria: challenges of transition from "greenwashing" to relational change using institutional theory, Trento, 2012
Maria - Gabriella Baldarelli, Ninel Nesheva-Kiosseva., Social and environmental accounting and reporting institutional factors: comparative analysis Bulgaria/Italy, Catania 2012
Nesheva-Kiosseva, N.,G. Getov, Pricing, environmental and social performance in the water supply company - monopoly de jure (real example), Catania, 2010
Nesheva-Kiosseva, N., Financial Functions: Risk and Liquidity, Bulgaria 1997-2007; Central Bank of Greece, 14/03/2008-10-23
Nesheva-Kiosseva, N., Environmental Management and its Impact in Bulgaria, Second Italian conference of Social and Environmental Accounting, Rimini, Italy. 18/09/2008.
Nesheva-Kiosseva, N., Teaching accounting in higher education of tourism: Comparative Analyses: Bulgaria (private-public) / Russia (private-public) higher education institutions
Нешева-Кьосева, Н., История на паричните кризи в България (1879 - 1912 г.), Университетско издателство "Стопанство", С. 2000., ISBN 954-494-414-1.
Нешева-Кьосева, Н., "Геула" историята на една еврейска банка в България," Рацио -90, С. 2001, ISBN 954-8566-29-X,.
Нешева-Кьосева, Н., Финансова история на България: Периодизация, В: ГДИБА на НБУ,С. 2005, с. 56-69
Нешева-Кьосева, Н., Финансовите кризи и тяхното изследване, Сб. Финансови иновации, № 2, 2009
Нешева-Кьосева, Н., "Стопанска история", учебник, НБУ, С. 2008., 230 стр..
Нешева-Кьосева, Н., "Икономически теории, (еволюция на икономическия анализ в Западната цивилизация)", НБУ, С. 2009, 436 стр.
Нешева-Кьосева, Н., "История на стопанските и административни институции (Обща теория и история на институциите)", учебник, НБУ, 2009, 237 стр.
Средства за оценяване: