NPSM002 (CPY6125) Въведение в изследователските методи в невропсихологията


This unit covers in detail the practice of research methods in their field of study, with particular attention to the opportunities and challenges that researchers face in applying the methods of science to the study of human

behaviour. A great emphasis is also given to the ethical issues in research methods. During the first lectures, students will explore the various designs that are used in quantitative research (e.g., experimental and quasi

experimental design, correlational design, surveys). They will learn how to evaluate patients’ or research participants’ scores on standardized questionnaires and they will become familiar with developing research

questions, formulating hypotheses, and selecting participants and measures for a study. In the second part of the unit (weeks 6 to 11) students will be introduced to main approaches (methodology) in qualitative research and their

application to student’s field of study. Emphasis will be given to qualitative research methods like interviews, focus groups, participant observations and fieldwork notes. In general, students will be advised on how to select the most

suitable methodological approach (qualitative or quantitative) to their problem, how to design their study, and how to proceed with data collection and, analysis, as well as with the discussion of their findings. Finally, students will discuss about ethics, and reliability and validity in research.

прочети още
Невропсихология (на английски език, съвместна програма с университета в Йорк)


 Assoc. Prof. Manousos Klados, PhD  
 Selin Onayli, PhD  
доц. Пенка Христова  д-р

Описание на курса:


Students who complete this course:

1) will know:

The basics how to carry out a research project; the key methodological skills necessary for a continuous clinical practice

of high standards; how to reflect critically towards research (quantitative and qualitative);

2) will be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of the issues involved in the design of research in their field of studies; Demonstrate an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each research method (quantitative or qualitative); Evaluate the appropriateness of research techniques in answering specific research questions; Formulate clear research questions, write a research proposal/ produce and present a critical review of studies; Demonstrate an understanding of the critical issues regarding research design and ethical considerations; Demonstrate an understanding of issues related to the evaluation of standardized psychometric scores
Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. The Scientific method of problem solving: Developing Research Hypotheses
  2. Measurement Issues (variability and reliability) and Data Analysis. Z scores.
  3. Experimental and Quasi Experimental Research Lecture and practical work
  4. Observation and Correlation Analysis - Survey Research
  5. Sampling and survey research. Scoring and evaluating psychometric assessments in percentiles.
  6. Consolidation Seminar
  7. Introduction to qualitative research
  8. Qualitative research methods Lecture and practical work
  9. Analysis of qualitative data Lecture and practical work
  10. Case studies Seminar and practical work
  11. Credibility and reliability of qualitative research Seminar and practical work

Литература по темите:

Barker, C., Pistrang, N. & Elliott, R., (2016). Research Methods in Clinical Psychology: An Introduction for Students and Practitioners 3rd Edition. John Wiley & Sons.

Mertens, D. M. (2015). Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity With Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods (4rth ed.). Thousand Oak: CA, Sage.

Additional readings:

American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Banyard, P., & Grayson, P. (2000). Introducing psychological research (2nd ed.). Palgrave. 150.72 BAN

Black, B.S., Kass, N.E., Fogarty, L.A. & Rabins, P.V. (2007). Informed consent for dementia research. Ethics and Human Research, 29, 7-14.

Breakwell, G. M., Hammond, S., & Fife-Schaw, C. (1998). Research methods in psychology. London : Sage Publications. 150.72 RES.

Fisher, C.B. & Kulther, T.L. (2006). Integrating research ethics into the introductory psychology course curriculum. Teaching of Psychology, 172-176.

Loewenthal, D. (2007). Case studies in relational research: qualitative research methods in counselling and psychotherapy. Palgrave Macmillan.

Michell, J. (2004). The place of qualitative research in psychology, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 1: 307-319.

Potter, J. & Hepburn, A. (2005). Qualitative interviews in psychology: problems and possibilities, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 2: 281-307.

Salkind, N. J. (2000). Exploring research (5th ed.). Prentice Hall International. 150.72 SAL.

Silverman, D. (2001). Interpreting Qualitative Data: Methods for analysing Talk, Text and Interaction.SAGE.

Sommer, B., & Sommer, R. (2001). A practical guide to behavioural research: Tool and techniques (5th ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. 150.72 SOM

Temple, M. & McVittie, C. (2005). Ethical and practical issues in using visual methodologies: the legacy of research- originating visual products, Qualitative Research in Psychology, 2: 227-239.

Thomas, F. (2006). Ethical issues in neuroscience. Current Opinions in Psychiatry, 19, 600-607.