MHRE217D HR Performance & appraisal system. Good practices


The course has duration of 30 academic hours and encompasses different forms of study:

І. Individual work with training materials

• Working with a reader – reading, experience-based reflection, setting a concept, applying in-bedded assignments, analysis assignments, study of work environments and practices

• Work with science publications and printed sources

• Work with electronic resources

• Development of tutor-marked and assessed written assignment, by any student

• Development of group projects.

ІІ. Interactive group-works and workshops, discussions, class assignments for understanding and skills development/ improvement

• Problem-solving workshops for forming/ development of personal characteristics

• Self-development and virtual discussion and problem-solving groups

• Tutor facilitated on-line and off-line discussions

• Video conference workshops.

Objectives of the course:

• To identify the main factors that affect the performance and efficiency of the staff and how their performance can be improved

• To describe the main ways in which managers can contribute to the improvement of staff

• Provide a means of identifying the problems that arise in providing equal opportunities for improvement n Personnel

• To submit schemes for appraisal of staff and means for their practical use.

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Human Resources Management and Development (in English) Distance Learning


Asst. Prof. Mariya Ivanova, PhD
Assoc. Prof. Dimitar Panayotov, PhD

Course Description:


Students who successfully complete the course:

1) know:

• How various internal and external factors affecting the performance of staff

• A step of determining the need for personnel development

• Schemes for evaluation..

2) will be able to:

• define the different types of staff

• propose actions to improve the performance of the work.

• To distinguish between the functions associated with the task, maintenance and realizing riding issue for the effectiveness of staff;

• To recommend appropriate methods for implementation of the improvement of personnel

• Prepare and conduct accurate appraisal of staff

Preliminary requirements

Students should have knowledge and/ or skills in:

• English reading/ writing skills

• Computer skills (text-processing, worksheets, Internet and e-mail)

• Knowledge and understanding of basic management concepts

• Knowledge and understanding of the importance of management and human resources development

• Knowledge of the "personnel management".


Types of Courses:

Language of teaching:


  1. Factors affecting the efficiency of the work of the personnel - Introduction - External Factors
  2. - Internal factors - Improving performance - Summary
  3. Staff development - Introduction - The importance of improving staff
  4. - The role of the manager in improving staff - Reporting needs improvement - Pitfalls and Dilemmas - Summary
  5. Improving performance - Introduction - Appraisal
  6. - View job - Giving and receiving feedback Summary


Main resource:

Bancheva, E. Management of Performance, School of Management, NBU, 2009, ISBN 978-954-535-528-8

Additional resources:

Armstrong, M. (2006). A Handbook of HRM Practice. 10th ed. London: Kogan Page.

Centre for Research into European Human Resourse Management (1993)

Flexible Working Patterns in Europe, Cranfield School of Management;

Handy, C. (1985) Understanding Organisations, Penguin

Janis, I.J. (1972) Victims of Groupthink, Houghton Mifflin


The student can automatically get rid of the continuous assessment tests, if he/she has positive results of the written assignments during the semester and participate in a workshop or fulfill practical tasks (project) during the semester passed through the platform Moodle of NBU.

The evaluation of the students is going through a complex assignment - a written assignment and practical coursework delivered in MOODLE of NBU until the day of the exam in the session. The relative weight of the two components is 50:50.