проф. д-р Морис Гринберг
Четвъртък 13:30-14:30 416 I Корпус
Професионална автобиография:
• Висше: 1982-1987 г. - Софийски университет “Св. Климент Охридски”, специалност физика
• Академични степени:
1987 г. - Магистър по физика със специализация “Физика на атомното ядро и елементарните частици”;
1994 г. - Доктор (кфн).
• Академични звания:
1999 г. – ст.н.с. ІІ ст. по теоретична ядрена физика
• Постоянна работа:
2021 г. - досега - професор по психология, департамент "Когнитивна наука и психология", Нов Български Университет
2010 г. - 2021 г. - доцент по физика, департамент "Когнитивна наука и психология", Нов Български Университет
2000 - 2010 г.– извънреден доцент по физика и когнитивна наука, департамент “Когнитивна наука и Психология”, Нов Български Университет
Заемани длъжности: директор на изследователската бакалавърска програма за квалификация в научните изследвания, директор на лаборатория по ползваемост към ЦИЕЦКН, директор на центъра за оценяване на Нов български университет, зам. ректор по качествтото, оценяването и атестацията
1987-2000 г. – Институт за ядрени изследвания и ядрена енергетика, сектор “Ядрена физика и Астрофизика”, Българска академия на науките
Заемана длъжност: старши научен сътрудник IІ ст. (от юни 1999 г.)
• Временни позиции:
1989/90 г. - Обeдинен иснститут за ядрени изследвания, Дубна, Русия - 6 м., научен сътрудник;
1991 г. - пролетен семестър - ВМЕИ, гр. София, катедра по физика, хоноруван асистент, практикум по експериментална физика;
1992 г. - Институт по ядрена физика, Орсе, Франция - 6 м., специализация със стипендия на френското външно министерство;
1994/95 г. - Институт за ядрени науки, Университет “Жозеф-Фурие”, Гренобъл, Франция - 1 г., научен сътрудник (CNRS);
1996/97 г. - Изследователски център Росендорф, Дрезден, Германия - 1 г., пост-докторат;
1998/00 г. - Нов Български Университет, хоноруван преподавател.
Курсове в чужбина и на международни школи, лекции
“Introduction to Connectionist Modeling”, IX and X International Summer School in Cognitive Science, 2001, 2002, Sofia, Bulgaria;
“Connectionist Modeling” and “Dynamic Aspects in Cognitive Modeling”, Lectures at the Spring school in Cognitive science, CEEPUS visitor, 2001, 2002, Bucharest Romania;
“Introduction to Connectionist Modeling”, курс за PhD студенти по когнитивна наука, CEEPUS visitor, 2002, Jagellonian University, Cracow, Poland;
“Dynamic Aspects in Cognitive Modeling”, 2 лекции за PhD студенти по когнитивна наука, Erasmus visitor, 2002, National and Kapodistrian University, Athens, Greece.
“The Dynamic Systems Approach to Cognitive Science”, 3 weeks intensive course, CEEPUS, April 2004, University of Vienna, Austria.
“The Dynamic Systems Approach to Cognitive Science”, XIII and XVII International Summer School in Cognitive Science, 2006 and 2010, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Научни интереси
- Допълваща и алтернативна комуникация, помагащи технологии, контрол с поглед
- Експериментална философия
- Социални и морални дилеми
- Когнитивно моделиране - невронни мрежи и многоагентни системи
- Експериментална икономика: динамични и контекстни ефекти при взимане на решения;
моделиране на процеси на взимане на решение в дилема на затворника;
проследяване на погледа и биосигнали при взимане на решения.
- Когнитивни технологии: конекционистки подходи при извличане на знания от големи бази знания в Интернет; архитектури, основани на големи бази знания.
- Ползваемост и UX: изследване на ползваемост на продукти и услуги; подходи при изграждане на системи за е-обучение.
Допълваща и алтернативна комуникация/Augmentative and Alternative
1. Христова, Е. & Гринберг, М. (2022). Помагащи технолоии за дапълваща и алатернативна комуникация: Видове и приложения. UNICEF България
2. Христова, Е. & Гринберг, М. (2021). Обучение на деца и младежи с нарушения на говора и фината моторика с използване на система за допълваща и алтернативна комуникация с контрол с поглед: Методика и обучителна програма. Изд. Фондация „АСИСТ – Помагащи технологии“, ISBN 978-619-91980-1, ISBN 978-619-91980-0-8
Статии и доклади публикувани в материали наконференции/Papers and publication in conference proceedings
1. Гринберг, М. & Христова, Е. (2022). Съвременни средства за допълваща и алтернативна комуникация за деца. Материали на V-та мулитфасетна конференция по детскто развитие, 2-3 април, 2021, Пловдив.
2. Христова, Е., & Гринберг, М. (2021). Компетености и нагласи на специалистите от РЦПППО в областта на технологичните средства за ДАК. Unicef България и фондация "АСИСТ - Помагащи технологии. https://www.unicef.org/bulgaria/media/11096/file/BGR-aac-report-assistive-technologies-long.pdf.pdf
3. Гринберг, М. & Христова, Е. (2020). Лични комуникационни паспорти: Повишаване на възможностите за комуникация на хора с комуникационни проблеми. Сборник "Емоционални и поведенчески нарушения" от Международната логопедична конференция. ЛЦ Ромел
4. Гринберг, М., Христова, Е. (2019). Стратегии при използване на допълваща и алтернативна комуникация: Практически съвети за родители и комуникационни партньори. Сборник „Работа с родители“, ЛЦ Ромел.
5. Христова, Е., Гринберг, М., & Тодорова, Е. (2019). Обучителна програма за развитие на базови познания и грамотност при деца с физически увреждания чрез технологии за контрол с поглед. Сборник „Работа с родители“, ЛЦ Ромел.
6. Hristova, E. & Grinberg, M. (2018). Study: Barriers to the wider deployment of person-centered technology in services for persons with disabilities. EASPD (European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities). (https://easpd.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/PCT_Report_Complete_-_Final.pdf).
7. Hristova, E. & Grinberg, M. (2018). Study: Barriers to the wider deployment of person-centered technology in services for persons with disabilities: Executive summary. EASPD (European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities). (https://cutt.ly/TN4Yjd)
8. Христова, Е. & Гринберг, М. (2018). Помагащи технологии за контрол с поглед за деца с тежки физически увреждания. Сборник „Интердисциплинарни логопедични практики“,ISBN 978-954-535-863-0, том 3.
9. Христова, Е., Гринберг, М., Къдрева, В., Палякова, К., & Симеонова, Н. (2018). Използване на система за контрол с поглед в работата с деца и възрастни с нарушения в говора и фината моторика. Сборник „Интердисциплинарни логопедични практики“,ISBN 978-954-535-863-0, том 3.
10. Христова, Е., & Гринберг, М. (2017). Помагащи технологии за контрол с поглед и приложението им при работа с деца със специални нужди. Сборник доклади на международна конференция „Логопедични терапии“, ЛЦ Ромел, София. ISBN: 978-954-9458- 24-4, pp. 41–53.
11. Гринберг, М., Христова, Е., Павлова, Д., Давчева, К., Дескова, П., Морфова, А., & Вичева, П. (2017). Помагащи технологии за контрол с поглед в България: Споделяне на опит и добри практики. Сборник доклади на международна конференция „Логопедични терапии“, ЛЦ Ромел, София. ISBN: 978-954-9458-24-4, pp. 173- 191.
12. Христова, Е. & Гринберг, М. (2017). Нагласи и използване на допълващи и алтернативни средства за комуникация в работата с деца със специални нужди: проучване сред ресурсни учители. Сборник научни доклади от VIII Национален конгрес по психология. Продуцентски център ЛМ, София. ISBN: 978-954-91472, 777-789.
Експериментална философия/Experimental Philosophy
1. Rose, D., Machery, E., Stich, S., ..., Grinberg, M., ..., Hristova, E., ... (2020). The Ship of Theseus Puzzle. Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy Volume 3, 3, 158-170.
2. Hannikainen, I. R., Machery, E., Rose, D., Stich, S., Olivola, C. Y., Sousa, P., Cova, F., Buchtel, E. E., ..., Grinberg, M., …, Hristova, E., ... (2019). For Whom Does Determinism Undermine Moral Responsibility? Surveying the Conditions for Free Will Across Cultures. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2428. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02428
3. Cova, F., Olivola, C. Y., Machery, E., Stich, S., Rose, D., ..., Grinberg, M., ..., Hristova, E., ...(2019). De Pulchritudine non est Disputandum? A cross‐cultural investigation of the alleged intersubjective validity of aesthetic judgment. Mind & Language 34 (3), 317-338.
4. Rose, D., Machery, E., Stich, S., Alai, M., Angelucci, A., Berniūnas, R., ..., Grinberg, M., ..., Hristova, E., ... (2017). Behavioral Circumscription and the Folk Psychology of Belief: A Study in Ethno‐Mentalizing. Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 6(3), 193-203.
5. Rose, D., Machery, E., Stich, S., Alai, M., Angelucci, A., Berniūnas, R., ..., Grinberg, M., ..., Hristova, E., ... (2017). Nothing at stake in knowledge. Noûs 53(1), pp.224-247.
6. Machery, E., Stich, S., Rose, D., Alai, M., Angelucci, A., Berniūnas, R., ..., Grinberg, M., ..., Hristova, E., ... (2017). The Gettier Intuition from South America to Asia. Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 34(3), 517-541.
Когнитивна наука/Cognitive science
1. Гринберг, М. (2021) Социалните дилеми: когнитивна перспектива. Издателсто на НБУ.
Статии и доклади/Papers and published conference talks
1. Dorison, C.A., Lerner, J.S., Heller, B.H., …, Grinberg, M., ..., Hristova, E., ..., et al. (2022) In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries. Affec Sci 3, 577–602 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-022-00128-3
2. Grinberg, M., Hristova, E., & Chakarova, D. (2022). Can Social Relations Influence Cooperation in Prisoner’s Dilemma? Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 44. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/283713fx, poster
3. Bago, B., Kovacs, M., Protzko, J., …, Grinberg, M., ..., Hristova, E., ... (2022).Situational factors shape moral judgments in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample. Nat Hum Behav. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-022-01319-5
4. Legate, N., Nguyen, T., Weinstein, N., Moller, A., Legault, L., Maniaci, M., Ebersole, C., ..., Grinberg, M., ..., Hristova, E., ... (2022). A Global Experiment on Motivating Social Distancing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. to appear in PNAS, DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/n3dyf
5. Hristova, E., & Grinberg, M. (2021). Moral Judgments and Triage Principles related to COVID-19 Pandemic. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43(43), 1602-1608.
6. Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C. A., Miller, J. K., Uusberg, A., Lerner, J. S., Gross, J. J., ...., Grinberg, M., ..., Hristova, E., ... (2021). A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 1089–1110 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01173-x
7. Христова, Е., & Гринберг, М. (2021). Морални дилеми при недостиг на медицински ресурси. Българско списание по психология,., бр. 1 (4), стр. 59-67.
8. Христова, Е., Николова, И., & Гринберг, М. (2021). Изследване на дименсиите за приписване на ум и съзнание. Българско списание по психология,., бр. 1 (4), стр. 68-78.
9. Hristova, E., & Grinberg, M. (2017). Moral Action Changes Mind Perception for Human and Artificial Moral Agents. In Proceedings of CogSci 2017. Cognitive Science Society, Austin TX.
10. Kuzmova-Paneva, G. & Grinberg, M. (2017). Cooperation in Prisoner's Dilemma Game After Experience of Social Rejection. Proceedings of the VIII National Congress in Psychology, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 620-632.
11. Grinberg, M., & Hristova, E. (2016). Context Dependence of Cooperation Index Judgment Scales in Prisoner’s Dilemma. International Journal INFORMATION CONTENT & PROCESSING, 3(4), http://www.foibg.com/ijicp/vol03/ijicp03, ITHEA (R).
12. Grinberg, M., & Todorov, E. (2016). Cognitive Agent-Based Simulation Platform for Modeling Large-Scale Multi-Level Social Interactions with Experimental Games. International Journal INFORMATION CONTENT & PROCESSING, 3(2), http://www.foibg.com/ijicp/vol03/ijicp03, ITHEA (R).
13. Hristova, E., & Grinberg, M. (2016). Should Moral Decisions Be Different for Human and Artificial Cognitive Agents? In: Papafragou, A., Grodner, D., Mirman, D., & Trueswell, J.C. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. (pp. 1511–1516). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. ISBN 978-0-9911967-3-9
14. Grinberg, M., Hristova, E., & Kadreva, V. (2016). Moral Judgments: Studying People with Helping Professions. In: Papafragou, A., Grodner, D., Mirman, D., & Trueswell, J.C. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 704 – 709). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. ISBN 978-0-9911967-3-9
15. Hristova, E., & Grinberg, M. (2015). Should Robots Kill? Moral Judgments for Actions of Artificial Cognitive Agents. In G. Airenti, B. Bara, & G. Sandini (Eds.), Proceedings of the Euro-Asian Pacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science (pp. 306-311). CEUR – Workshop Proceedings. ISSN 1613-0073.
16. Hristova, E., & Grinberg, M. (2015). Influence of Induced Mood on the Rating of Emotional Valence and Intensity of Facial Expressions. In Advances in Neural Networks: Computational and Theoretical Issues (pp. 303-310). Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-18164-6.
17. Hristova, E., Kadreva, V., & Grinberg, M. (2014). Moral Judgments and Emotions: Exploring the Role of ‘Inevitability of death’ and ‘Instrumentality of harm’. In P. Bello, M. Guarini, M. McShane, & B. Scassellati (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society
18. Grinberg, M., Dzekov. K., & Hristov, H. (2014). Simpson’s Paradox Effect on Decision Making in Prisoner’s Dilemma Games between Groups. Proceedings of the VII National Congress in Psychology, 31.10-2.11.2014, Sofia, Bulgaria.
19. Kuzmova-Paneva, G. & Grinberg, M. (2014). Cooperating Under the Threat of Being Left Out. Proceedings of the VII National Congress in Psychology, 31.10-2.11.2014, Sofia, Bulgaria.
20. Grinberg M., Hristova, E., Moudova, M., & Boster, J. (2014). Conceptual Spaces for Emotion Identification and Alignment. In Bassis, S., Esposito, A., & Morabito, F. C. (Eds.), Recent Advances of Neural Network Models and Applications (pp. 405-412). Springer International Publishing.
21. Hristova, E., Kadreva, V., & Grinberg, M. (2014). Emotions and Moral Judgment: A Multimodal Analysis. In In Bassis, S., Esposito, A., & Morabito, F. C. (Eds.), Recent Advances of Neural Network Models and Applications (pp. 413-421). Springer International Publishing.
22. Hristova, E., Grinberg, M., Georgieva, I. & Borisova, M. (2013). Cooperation in Prisoner's Dilemma Game: Influence of Players' Social Roles. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2578 - 2583). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
23. Grinberg, M., Hristova, E. & Borisova, M. (2012). Cooperation in Prisoner’s Dilemma Game: Influence of Social Relations. In N. Miyake, D. Peebles, & R. P. Cooper (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 408 - 413). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society. ISBN: 978-0-9768318-8-4
24. Hristova, E. & Grinberg, M. (2011). Time Course of Eye Movements during Painting Perception. In Kokinov, B., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Nersessian, N. (Eds). Proceedings of the European Conference of Cognitive Science. New Bulgarian University Press.
25. Hristova, E., Georgieva, S. & Grinberg, M. (2011). Top-Down Influences on Eye-Movements During Painting Perception: The Effect of Task and Titles. In: A. Esposito et al. (Eds.): COST 2102 Int. Training School 2010 (Toward Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces: Theoretical and Practical Issues), LNCS 6456, pp. 104-115. Springer, Heidelberg.
24. Hristova, E., & Grinberg, M. (2011). Multi-Modal Analysis of Decision Making in the Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. In Apolloni, B., Bassis, S., Esposito, A., Morabito, C. F. (Eds.). Neural Nets WIRN10 - Proceedings of the 20th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, FAIA, vol. 226, pp. 311 - 318. IOS Press. ISBN 978-1-60750-691-1 (print), 978-1-60750-692-8 (online).
26. Grinberg, M. & Hristova, E. (2011). Eye-tracking and bio-signal study of human-ECA interaction. Poster at the 16Th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM2011, 21-25 August, Marseille, Conference abstracts, p. 7, University of Provence, CNRS.
27. Hristova, E., Dalova, G., & Grinberg, M. (2011). Influence of the information about the author and the perception and evaluation of paintings. Poster at the 16Th European Conference on Eye Movements, ECEM2011, 21-25 August, Marseille, Conference abstracts, p. 103, University of Provence, CNRS.
28. Grinberg, M., Hristova E., & Lalev, E. (2010) Models for cooperative decisions in prisoner’s dilemma, In Nefti, S. & Gray, J. (eds.). Advances in Cognitive Systems, IET, London, pp. 169-207.
29. Hristova, E., & Grinberg, M. (2010). Multi-Modal Analysis of Decision Making in the Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. Proceedings of the WIRN 2010: COST 2102 Special session, invited talk, to appear in IOS.
30. Hristova, E., Georgieva, S. & Grinberg, M. (2010). Top-down Influences on Eye-Movements during Painting Perception: The Effect of Task and Titles. Post-proceedings of 3rd COST 2102 International Training School on Toward Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces: Theoretical and Practical Issues. LNCS, Springer.
31. Kiriazov, K. & Grinberg, M. (2010). Integrating Emotions in the TRIPLE ECA model. In: Development of Multimodal Interfaces: Active Listening and Synchrony, Esposito, A. et al. (Eds.), LNCS 5967, pp. 122-133.
32. Hristova, E. & Grinberg, M. (2010). Testing Two Explanations for the Disjunction Effect in Prisoner’s Dilemma Games: Complexity and Quasi-Magical Thinking. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
33. Hristova, E. & Grinberg, M. (2010). How we look at paintings: the influence of the viewer’s task. 4rd International Conference on Cognitive Science, Tomsk, Russia, extended abstract.
34. Grinberg M. & Haltakov, V. (2009). The TRIPLE model: connectionist aspects. In: Proceeding of the 2009 conference on Neural Nets WIRN09, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, May 28-30, 2009, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Vol. 204, pp. 293–305.
35. Grinberg, M., Hristova, E., & Georgieva, S. (2009). Looking at paintings: The influence of titles. 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, abstract, talk.
36. Gerganov, A., Grinberg M., & Goldstone, R. (2009). Partial Position Transfer in Categorical Perceptual Learning. In N.A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
37. Grinberg, M., Haltakov, V., Laftchiev, H., Kostadinov, S., & Kyriazov, K. (2009). The TRIPLE Cognitive Architecture: Implementation of Embodied Agents Based on a Cognitive Model. In N.A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society, abstract, poster.
38. Grinberg, M. & Lalev, E. (2009) The Role of Anticipation on Cooperation and Coordination in Simulated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game Playing, G. Pezzulo et al. (Eds.): ABiALS 2008, LNAI 5499, pp. 209–228, Springer.
39. Grinberg M. & Haltakov, V. (2009). Analogy making in the TRIPLE model, In Kokinov, B., Holyoak, K., & Gentner, D. (Eds), New Frontiers of Analogy Research, Analogy’09, NBU press.
40. Grinberg, M. & Hristova, E. (2009). SARL: A Computational Reinforcement Learning Model with Selective Attention. In N.A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
41. Grinberg M., & Lalev, E. (2008). Anticipation in Coordination. In: The Challenge of Anticipation, eds: Pezzulo, G., Butz, M. V., Castelfranchi, C., Falcone, R., LNAI 5225, pp. 219–239.
42. Hristova, E., & Grinberg, M. (2008). Investigation of the Players’ Selective Attention in the Prisoner's Dilemma Game. 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Science, Moscow, June 20-43, Proceedings, p. 62
44. Kostadinov, St., Petkov, G., & Grinberg, M. (2008). Embodied conversational agent based on the DUAL cognitive architecture, Proceedings of WEBIST 2008, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, Madeira.
45. Hristova, E., & Grinberg, M. (2008). Disjunction effect in prisoner's dilemma: Evidence from an eye-tracking study, Cogsci 2008, Washington, July 22-26, proceedings.
46. Kuzmova., G., Hristova, E., & Grinberg, M. (2008). Effects of action orientation on coping with negativity in prisoners dilemma game playing, Cogsci 2008, Washington, July 22-26, proceedings.
47. Vankov, I., Kiryazov, K., & Grinberg, M. (2008). Impact of emotions on an analogy-making robot. Cogsci 2008, Washington, July 22-26, proceedings.
48. Grinberg, M. & Lalev, E (2008) The Role of Anticipation on Cooperation and Coordination in Simulated Prisoner's Dilemma Game Playing. ABiALS 2008, Munich, Germany, June 26, proceedings.
49. Chater, N., Vlaev, I., & Grinberg, M. (2008). A new consequence of Simpson’s paradox: Stable cooperation in one-shot prisoner’s dilemma from populations of individualistic learning agents. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 136 (3), (lead article).
50. Kostadinov, S. & Grinberg M. (2008). The Embodiment of a DUAL/AMBR Based Cognitive Model in the RASCALLI Multi-Agent Platform (2008). Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, LNCS, 5208, 356-363.
51. Kokinov B., Grinberg M., Petkov G., & Kiryazov, K. (2008). Anticipation by Analogy. In: The Challenge of Anticipation, eds: Pezzulo, G., Butz, M. V., Castelfranchi, C., Falcone, R., LNAI 5225, 189-217.
52. Grinberg, M. & Hristova E. (2007). SARL: A Computational Reinforcement Learning Model with Selective Attention, 14th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), 19-23 August 2007, Potsdam, Germany.
53. Popova, M., Hristova, Е., & Grinberg, M. (2007). Comparison of two process tracing methods in iterated Prisoner's Dilemma game, 14th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM), 19-23 August 2007, Potsdam, Germany.
54. Gerganov, A., Grinberg, M., Quinn, P. C., & Goldstone, R. L. (2007). Simulating Conceptually-Guided Perceptual Learning. CogSci2007 – 29th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, August 26-29, 2007, Nashville, Tennessee
55. Grinberg, M. & Hristova, E. (2007). Is Cooperation in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game Due to Social Interaction? EuroCogSci07: The second European Cognitive Science Conference, Delphi, Greece, May 23-27, 2007.
56. Petkov, G., Kiryazov, K., Grinberg, M., & Kokinov, B. (2007). Modeling Top-Down Perception and Analogical Transfer with Single Anticipatory Mechanism. EuroCogSci07: The second European Cognitive Science Conference, Delphi, Greece, May 23-27, 2007.
57. Kiryazov, K., Petkov, G., Grinberg, M., & Kokinov, B., & Balkenius, Ch. (2007). The Interplay of Analogy-Making with Active Vision and Motor Control in Anticipatory Robots. In: Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems: From Brains to Individual and Social Behavior, eds. M. V. Butz, O. Sigaud, G. Baldassarre, & G. Pezzulo, Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems: From Brains to Individual and Social Behavior, LNAI 4520.
58. Lalev, E. & Grinberg, M. (2006). Backward vs Forward-Oriented Decision-Making in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma: A Comparison between Two Connectionist Models, ABiALS 2006, Rome, September 30th, proceedings; Post-workshop proceedings: eds. M. V. Butz, O. Sigaud, G. Baldassarre, & G. Pezzulo, Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems: From Brains to Individual and Social Behavior, LNAI 4520, (2007).
59. Dimitrov, R., Hristova, E., Trifonova, M., & Grinberg, M., Semantic structure of emotion concepts in patients with schizophrenia, 9th ECNP Regional Meeting, 27-29 April 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria
60. Grinberg, M., Hristova, E., & Popova, M. (2006). Applicability of Eye-Tracking Information Acquisition Methods for Studying the Strategy Dynamics in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. CogSci 2006, The 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, July 26-29, Position paper in the workshop: What have eye movements told us so far, and what is next.
61. Grinberg, M. & Hristova, E. (2006). Cooperation in the PD game: Effects of the available information, The second biennial conference on cognitive science, St Petersburg, 9-13 June, Proceedings, p. 66.
62. Grinberg, M. & Falcone, R. (2006). An Integrated Approach to the Study of Anticipation (The MindRACES project), CogSys II, 12-13 April 2006, Radboud University Nijmegen, NL
61. Petkov, G., Naydenov, Ch., Grinberg, M., & Kokinov B. (2006). Building Robots with Analogy-Based Anticipation, KI 2006, 29th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 14-19 June.
63. Grinberg, M. (2005). Context Effects in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Economics. Sofia, NBU Press, p. 59.
64. Grinberg, M., Hristova, E., Popova, M., & Haltakov, V. (2005). Strategies in Playing Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game: An Information Acquisition Study. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Economics. Sofia, NBU Press, p. 190.
65. Hristova, E. & Grinberg, M. (2005). Information Acquisition in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game: An Eye-Tracking Study. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ.
66. Hristova, E. & Grinberg, M. (2005). Investigation of Context Effects in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. In: Dey, A., Kokinov, B., Leake, D., Turner, R. (Eds.) Modeling and Using Context, LNAI 3554, Springer Verlag.
67. Hristova, E. & Grinberg M. (2004). Context Effects On Judgment Scales in the Prisoner’s Dilemma Game. Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Cognitive Economics. ECCE1, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, http://ceco.polytechnique.fr/COLLOQUES/ECCE1.
68. Grinberg, M. & Hristova, E. (2003). Dynamics of Cooperation in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Games, EuroCogSci03, Osnabrueck, Germany, September 10-13, 2003, Proceedings, poster.
69. Grinberg, M. & Kokinov, B. (2003). Simulation of Episode Blending in the AMBR Model, EuroCogSci03, Osnabrueck, Germany, September 10-13, 2003, Proceedings.
70. Grinberg, M. & Kokinov, B. (2003). Analogy Based Episode Blending in the AMBR model, International Workshop on Constructive Memory, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 12-14, 2003, Proceedings.
71. Kokinov B. & Grinberg, M. (2001). Simulating context effects in problem-solving in AMBR. In: V. Akman et al.(Eds.) Modeling and Using Context. Springer.
Приложна когнитивна наука/Applied cognitive science
1. Grinberg, M. & Hristova, E. (Eds.) (2012) Efficiency and Usability of E-Learning Systems: A Project-Oriented Methodology Guide, 142 pp., ISBN 978-954-535-746-6.
Статии и публикувани доклади на конференции/Papers and publication in conference proceedings
1. Grinberg, M., & Hristova, E. (2012). Sustainable efficiency and usability for e-learning systems: a practical guide, NBU eprints.
2. Grinberg, M., Hristova, E., & Lalev, E. (2009). Biosignal-based emotion analysis of human-agent interactions. Proceedings of COST action 2102 International conference on cross-modal analysis of speech, gestures, gaze, and facial expressions, LNSC, Springer.
3. Dimitrov, D. M., Gerganov, E., Greenberg, M., & Atanasov, D. (2008). Analysis of Cognitive Attributes for Mathematics Items in the Framework of Rasch Measurement. In Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
4. Grinberg, M. & Hristova E. (2007). The Role of Usability Resting in an Integrated Approach to CAT Deployment: Experience from the WELKOM Project, 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), 3-6 March 2007, Barcelona, Spain.
Семнатичен уеб, когнитивни технологии/Semantic Web, Cognitive Technology
1. Alexiev, V., Ivanov, V., & Grinberg, M. (Eds.) (2013), Practical Experiences with CIDOC CRM and its Extensions (CRMEX 2013) Workshop, 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL 2013), 26 September 2013, Valetta, Malta. Papers and presentations are available online at http://www.ontotext.com/CRMEX and CEUR WS.
2. M. Damova, M., Kiryakov, A., Grinberg, M., Bergman, M., Giasson, F., & Simov, K. (2012). Creation and Integration of Reference Ontologies for Efficient LOD Management. In: Stellato, A. & Pazienza, M. T. (Eds.), Semi-Automatic Ontology Development: Processes and Resources, IGI Global, Hershey PA, USA.
3. Grinberg, M., Haltakov, V., & Stefanov, H. (2011). Spreading Activation Mechanisms for Efficient Knowledge Retrieval from Large Datasets. In Apolloni, B., Bassis, S., Esposito, A., Morabito, C. F. (Eds.). Neural Nets WIRN10 - Proceedings of the 20th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, FAIA, vol. 226. IOS Press. ISBN 978-1-60750-691-1 (print), 978-1-60750-692-8 (online).
4. Grinberg, M. (2011). A Cognitive Approach to Web-Based Intelligent Agents: The TRIPLE Architecture. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems Journal 9 (1), 69-79, http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/WIA-2011-0206.
5. Grinberg, M. & Kostadinov, S. (2008). The Triple Model: Combining Cutting-Edge Web Technologies with a Cognitive Model in an ECA, ABC’08, Wisla, Poland, IEEE Explore database.
Статии по физика/Physics papers
1. Y. Y. Shopov and M. Grinberg, "A new method for direct photography of luminescence", Expedition Ann. Sofia Univ., v. 1 (1985) 139.
2. M. Grinberg, O. Stoyanova, and Ch. Stoyanov, "Interaction in particle-particle channel and anharmonicity of surface vibrations in spherical nuclei", Bulg. J. Phys. 17(1989) 36.
3. M. Grinberg, V. Yu. Ponomarev, and Ch. Stoyanov, "Influence of complex configurations on the low-lying states in spherical nuclei", JINR communication", E4-90-210 (1990), Dubna.
4. M. Grinberg, "Many-phonon states in the Quasi-Particle Model (QPM)", Bulg. J. Phys. 18 (1991) 314.
5. T. T. Dinh, M. Grinberg, and Ch. Stoyanov, "Two-phonon sates in N=84 isotones", J. Phys. G18 (1992) 329.
6. J. Adam, J. Dobes, B. Kracik, P. Navratil, P. Tlusty, S. Batsev, Thai Khac Dinh, M. Grinberg, O. Stoyanova, and Ch. Stoyanov, "Structure of the 146Sm states from the 146Eu decay", Z. Phys. A-Hadrons and Nuclei, 343 (1992) 381.
7. M. Grinberg, Thai Khac Dinh, Ch. Protochristov, I. Penev, Ch. Stoyanov, and W. Andrejtscheff, "Level structure and transition probabilities in 140Ce", J. Phys. G19 (1993) 1179.
8. M. Grinberg and Ch. Stoyanov, "Two-phonon strength distribution in N=82 isotones", Nucl. Phys. A573 (1994) 231.
9. M. Grinberg, "Investigation of even-even spherical nuclei properties in the Quasi-Particle Model (QPM) framework", Ph.D. thesis synopsis, 1994.
10. R. Georgii, P. von Neumann-Cosel, T. von Egidy, M. Grinberg, V. A. Khirtov, J. Ott, P. Prokofjevs, A. Richter, W. Schauer, C. Schlegel, R. Shulz, L.J. Simonova, Ch. Stoyanov, A.M. Sukhovoj, and A.V. Vojnov, "Unusual neutron-capture gamma-ray cascade in 124Te: A fingerprint of octupole-coupled multiphonon states", Phys. Lett. B351 (1995) 82.
11. R. Georgii, T. von Egidy, J. Klora, H. Lindner, U. Mayerhofer, J. Ott, W. Shauer, P. von Neumann-Cosel, A. Richter, C. Schlegel, R. Schulz, V.A. Khirtov, A.M. Sukhovoj, A.V. Vojnov, J. Berzins, V. Bondarenko, P. Prokofjevs, L.J. Simonova, M. Grinberg, and Ch. Stoyanov, "Complete level scheme of 124Te up to 3 MeV", Nucl. Phys. A592 (1995) 307.
12. M. Grinberg, R. Piepenbring, B. Silvestre-Brac, and K. Protassov, "Collective and non-collective multiphonon states in even-even spherical nuclei", Nucl. Phys. A597 (1995) 355.
13. S. Tomsovic, M. Grinberg, and D. Ullmo, "Semiclassical trace formulae of near-integrable systems: Resonances", Phys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 4346.
14. M. Grinberg and Ch. Stoyanov, "Enlargement of the collective basis of the Quasiparticle-phonon model", in “Frontiers in Nuclear Physics”, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of V.G. Soloviev, D4-95-308, Dubna, JINR (1995) 104-119.
15. D. Ullmo, M. Grinberg, and S. Tomsovic, "Near-integrable systems: Resonances and semiclassical trace formulas", Phys. Rev. E54 (1996) 136.
16. K. Protassov, B. Silvestre-Brac, R. Piepenbring, and M. Grinberg, "Multiphonon theory: A Wick's theorem and recursion formulas for coupled phonons", Phys. Rev. C53 (1996) 164.
17. R. Schwengner, W. Schauer, G. Winter, P. von Brentano, J. Eberth, J. Enders, T. von Egidy, M. Grinberg, R.-D. Herzberg, N. Huxel, L. Kaubler, P. von Neumann-Cosel, N. Nicolay, J. Ott, N. Pietralla, H. Prade, S. Raman, J. Reif, A. Richter, C. Schlegel, H. Schnare, T. Servene, S. Skoda, Ch. Stoyanov, and H.G. Thomas, Dipole excitations in 122Te, 126Te and 130Te, Z. Phys. A (1997) 197.
18. R. Schwengner, G. Winter, W. Schauer, M. Grinberg, F. Becker, P. von Brentano, J. Eberth, J. Enders, T. von Egidy, R.-D. Herzberg, N. Huxel, L. Kaubler, P. von Neumann-Cosel, N. Nicolay, J. Ott, N. Pietralla, H. Prade, S. Raman, J. Reif, A. Richter, C. Schlegel, H. Schnare, T. Servene, S. Skoda, T. Steinhardt, Ch. Stoyanov, H.G. Thomas, I. Wiedenhoever, and A. Zilges, "Two-phonon J=1 states in 122Te, 126Te and 130Te", Nucl. Phys. A620 (1997) 277.
19. J. Ott, C. Doll, T. von Egidy, R. Georgii, M. Grinberg, W. Schauer, R. Schwengner, and H.-F. Wirth, "The nuclear structure of 126Te studied with (d,p), (d, 3He) and (d,d’) reactions", Nucl. Phys. A625 (1997)598-620.
20. N. Tsoneva, A. Vdovin, Ch. Stoyanov, and M. Grinberg, "Magnetic Polarization and Two-Phonon States", Physics of Atomic Nuclei 61 (1998) 734-738.
21. V. Y. Ponomarev, Ch. Stoyanov, N. Tsoneva, and Grinberg, M., Boson forbidden low-energy E1-transitions in spherical nuclei. Nuclear Physics A 635 (4) (1998), 470-483.
22. M. Grinberg, Ch. Stoyanov, and N. Tsoneva, "Interplay of collective and non-collective modes at low-excitation energy in spherical nuclei", J. Part. Nucl. 29 (1998) 1456.
23. D. Karadjov, V. V. Voronov, F. Catara, M. Grinberg, and A. P. Severyukhin, "Effects of the ground state correlations on the structure of vibrational states", Nucl. Phys. A643 (1998) 259-27.
24. W. Schauer, C. Doll, T. von Egidy, R. Georgii, J. Ott, H.-F. Wirth, A.Gollwitzer, G. Graw, R. Hertenberger, B. Valnion, M. Grinberg and Ch. Stoyanov, "Study of 122Te with charged particle reactions", Nucl. Phys. A652 (1999) 339-369.
25. Ch. Stoyanov, V. Ponomariev, N. Tsoneva, and M. Grinberg, "The influence of the GDR on the low-energy E1 transitions in spherical nuclei", Nucl. Phys. A649 (1999) 93-96.
26. L. Kaubler, H. Schnare, R. Schwengner, P. von Brentano, F. Donau, J. Eberth, J. Enders, A. Fitzler, C. Fransen, M. Grinberg, E. Grosse, R.-D. Herzberg, H. Kaiser, P. von Neumann-Cosel, N. Pietralla, H. Prade, A. Richter, S. Skoda, Ch. Stoyanov, H.-G. Thomas, H. Tiesler, D. Weisshaar and I. Wiedenhover, Is the 4.742 MeV state in 88Sr the 1- two-phonon state?, Europ. Phys. Jour. A (2000) 34
27. Grinberg, M., Protochristov, Ch., Andrejtscheff, W., Lo Bianco, G., & Falconi, G., "Collective vibrational bands built on two-quasiparticle excitations in Te isotopes", Phys. Rev. C60 (2000) 167.
28. E. A. Stefanova, T. H. Kutsarova, M.-G. Porquet, I. Deloncle, A. Wilson, M. Grinberg, A. Minkova, T.V. Venkova, B.J.P. Gall, F. Hoellinger, N. Schulz, H. Sergolle, J. Duprat, F. Azaiez, S. Bouneau, C. Bourgeois, C. Gautherin, R. Lucas and Ch. Stoyanov, "High-spin states of 8838Sr50: breaking of the neutron core", Nucl. Phys. A (2000) 624.
29. Stoyanov, C., Iudice, N. L., Tsoneva, N., & Grinberg, M. (2001). "Properties of the low-lying excited states in even-even nuclei around the closed shell N= 82", Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 64(6), 1147-1151.
30. Kaubler, L., Scheck, M., Kohstall, C., Schwengner, R., Pietralla, N., von Brentano, P., ..., M. Grinberg et al. (2002). "Influence of the N= 50 neutron core on dipole excitations in Rb-87", Phys. Rev., 65, 054315.
31. Käubler, L., H. Schnare, R. Schwengner, H. Prade, F. Dönau, P. Von Brentano, J. Eberth, ..., M. Grinberg et al. "Dipole and quadrupole excitations in Sr 88 up to 6.8 MeV", Physical Review C 70, no. 6 (2004): 064307.
Други публикации/ Other Publications
1. N. Lambov, N., Tsankov, St., Grinberg, M., & Minkov, E. "Studies on the release of tinidazol from polyacrylate microspheres", Pharmazie 49 (1994) 438
2. Гринберг, М. (2004). Ползваемост на Уеб–сайтове, сп. “Твоят бизнес”, бр. 12
3. Гринберг, М. (2006). Защо не можем без електронното обучение?, сп. “Твоят бизнес”, бр. 27
4. Гринберг, М. (2006). Изследователска дейност на бакалавърско ниво: пет години опит в Нов български университет , «Research at the Undergraduate Level: Five Years of Experience in NBU» , Critique and Humanism Journal (сп. Критика и хуманизъм), issue: 21 / 2006, pages: 339-345, on www.ceeol.com.
5. Гринберг, М. (2007). Интелигентни системи за електронно обучение – настояще или бъдеще?, сп. “Твоят бизнес”, бр. 29
6. Гринберг, М., Колчева, Н., & Атанасов, Д. (2009). Електронна система за отчитане на дейността на преподавателите. II национална научна конференция с международно участие качеството на висшето образование в България – проблеми и перспективи , Русе, 2009.
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COGD201 Когнитивни процеси при социални и икономически взаимодействия ( теория на игрите) COGD202 Динамични модели в когнитивната наука COGD203 Конекционистки модели в когнитивната наука COGD204 Когнитивно моделиране за интелигентни виртуални агенти и системи COGD209 Когнитивни архитектури COGD216 Методът на проследяване на погледа при изучаването на когнитивните процеси