Politics and Society (in English)
Programme plan
В V, VI и VII семестър студентите си записват 6 аудиторни курса по 3 кредита - 18 кредита и 2 тренингови курса по 6 кредита - 12 кредита. В V и VI семестър тренинговите са практика и проект или семинар, а в VII семестър са стаж и проект или семинар. В VIII семестър студентите си записват 5 аудиторни курса по 3 кредита - 15 кредита и 2 тренингови курса (един от 6 кредита и един от 9 кредита) - 15 кредита.
Semester 5
Lecture courses (credit courses)
- POLS202 Political Parties Asst. Prof. Lyubomir Stefanov, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- POLS214 Political System of the EU Asst. Prof. Katya Hristova-Valcheva, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- POLS219 Political Systems of Great Britain and the USA Prof. Rumen Genov, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- POLS241 Questioning Contemporary Societies: Analytical Approaches and Research Tools Valentin Valkanov 30 hrs. 3 credits
- POLS245 Leadership in the 21st Century Prof. Evgenii Dainov, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- POLS302 Representative Government Asst. Prof. Kiril Avramov, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- POLS500 People and Power: Political Sociology Valentin Valkanov 30 hrs. 3 credits
- POLS501 Cross-cultural Dialogue Asst. Prof. Veronika Azarova, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
Training Courses
- POLS502 Practicum: Representative government Asst. Prof. Kiril Avramov, PhD 12 hrs. 6 credits
- POLS503 Seminar: The Political Systems of UK and USA Prof. Rumen Genov, PhD 12 hrs. 6 credits
- POLS504 Seminar: The Political System of EU Asst. Prof. Katya Hristova-Valcheva, PhD 12 hrs. 6 credits
- POLS505 Practicum: Political Parties Prof. Evgenii Dainov, PhD 12 hrs. 6 credits