доц. д-р Таня Димова
Професионална автобиография:
Major field of scientific research: immunobiology of pregnancy, maternal-fetal immune interactions and tolerance, implantation and inflammation, γδ T cells in pregnancy, γδ T-cell immunity during fetal and neonatal development, 3D models for embryo implantation, placentobiome and pregnancy
2004-2008 – PhD in Immunology, Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria. Thesis „Local cellular immunity
during the implantation and early pregnancy in epitheliochorial type of
placenta”, Specialized Scientific Consul for Microbiology, Virology and Immunology at High Attestation Commission, Bulgaria, Doctor of Immunology, 2008
1985-1991 – Master degree (DVM) at Trakia University, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
Work Experience
2015-on Associate Professor
Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
73, Tzarigradsko Shosse, 1113 Sofia
2013-2014 Assistant Professor
Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
2009-2012 Post Doctoral Researcher
Institute for Medical Immunology, Universite Libre de Bruxelles,
Brussels, Belgium
2001 – 2009 Assistant Professor, Chief Assistant Professor
Dept of Immunobiology of Reproduction, Institute of Biology and
Immunology of Reproduction, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
1996-2001 Assistant Professor, Senior Assistant Professor
Dept. of Cytology, Histology and Embryology, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University, Bulgaria
1991-1996 Maternity leave
Teaching activity: undergraduates, masters and PhD students
1996-2001 “Cytology and Histology” – tutor
“Embryology” - tutor
Dept. of Cytology, Histology and Embryology,
Trakia University, Bulgaria
2019-2020 “Cytology and histology” in Bulgarian and in English – part-time lecturer
2020-2021 undergraduates Veterinary medicine, University of Forestry, Sofia.
“Embryology” in Bulgarian and in English – part-time lecturer
undergraduates Veterinary medicine, University of Forestry, Sofia.
2021-2022 “Embryology” – part-time lecturer
2022-2023 Faculty of Basic Education, New Bulgarian University, Sofia.
Supervisor of master students
2007 Stina Viklund, “Investigation of the Influence of hormonal Oral Contraceptives on the Numbers and Cytokine mRNA profile of Peripheral CD4/CD25 T regulatory Cells”
2015 Albena Ivanova, “Activation and migration of maternal immune cells at maternal-fetal interface in superficial implantation and the role of the proinflammatory chemokine CXCL10 and its receptor CXCR3”
2020 Diana Manchorova, “Cytotoxic potential of gamma/delta T lymphocytes in human pregnancy”
2022 Victoria Robovska “HLA-G in human pregnancy”
2023 Mariela Ivanova “"3D trophoblast model for impaired implantation due to excessive inflammation"
Supervisor of PhD students
2016-2019 Antonia Terzieva-Karaivanova, “Role of gamma/delta T cells in human pregnancy”
2020-2023 Diana Manchorova, "Study on the mechanisms of control of γδT-cell cytotoxicity at the maternal-fetal border during implantation and early human pregnancy"
Work related courses
1999 (1 month) – Pedagogic course, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, funded by
Veterinary Faculty, Trakia University
09.1997-01.1998 – Regular Course Study for higher qualification and professional
training in English language, Dept of Foreign Languages, Trakia University,
Bulgaria, Certificate series BC-96, №0227, funded by Veterinary Faculty, Trakia
Lab Experience
Histological analysis and microscopy– cytometry, micromorphometry
Immunological methods – Flow cytometry, Immunohistochemistry, ELISA, WB
Cell manipulation techniques – isolation of human trophoblast cells, isolation of human decidual mononuclear cells, isolation of porcine endometrial mononuclear cells, immunomagnetic-based separation of cells, cell cultures, T cells assays
Molecular biology techniques – RNA extraction, RT-PCR,
TCR spectratyping, TCR sequencing
Laser Capture Microdissection
3D modeling of human placenta
Computer Skills
Windows, Excel, Power Point, Photoshop, GraphPad, Peak Scanner, BioEdit, Summit
CellQuestPro, FloJo
Language Skills
Bulgarian –native
English – fluent
Russian – fluent
French - basic
Scholarships, Grants and Awards
2018 (6 months) – Fulbright Scholarship, Visiting Scholar in Dept of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reprod. Sci, School of Medicine, Yale University
Group of Dr. Gil Mor – working on 3D models for embryo implantation, implantation and inflammation, immune rejection of the embryo.
2013 (1 month) - Scholarship for training in high-techs in Europe, OP Development of human resources, funded by European Social Fund - TCR sequencing training - Institute for Medical Immunology, ULB, Belgium
2007 (4 months)- Scholarship Pre-Doctoral Program
education in Laser microdissection technique,
Project „Isolation of lymphoid cell clusters from early pregnancy
decidua using laser microdissection and determination of their cytokine
mRNA profile and RAG1 and 2 gene expression”,
2006 (9 months) - Scholarship from Swedish Institute, Fellow Researcher in Dept. of
Clinical Immunology, Institution of Clinical Microbiology, Medical Faculty, Umea University, Sweden
Project - Isolation and characterization of T regulatory (Treg) cells from human pregnant uterine mucosa
2005 (4 months) - Scholarship from Norrland Cancer Foundation,
Fellow Researcher
Institution of Clinical Microbiology, Medical Faculty, Umea University, Sweden
Project - Investigation of the Influence of hormonal Oral Contracepti-ves on the Numbers and Cytokine mRNA profile of Peripheral CD4/CD25 T regulatory Cells
2005 (2 weeks) - 1st EMBIC Summer School, Malinska, Croatia. Embryo implantation: from basics to clinics – funded by EMBIC EU Project - Framework 6th, scholarship from ESRI
2019-2024 KP-06-DV-3 VIHREN Innovative 3D organotypic models to evaluate
embryo- maternal immune cells interactions in (un)successful human implantation, funded by Bulgarian Science Fund (1 000 000 Leva), leader
2016-2020 DN 03/5, Profile of γδ T lymphocytes in normal pregnancy and in placental microbiome of BCG vaccinated pregnant women, funded by Bulgarian Science Fund (120 000 Leva), leader
2011-2014 ACIP project Inter-Pasteurien Concerted Actions, Pasteur International № А-08-2010, Role of migrating birds and their feeding ticks on the dissemination of some medically important zoonotic pathogens along the East-European flyway, funded by Pasteur Institut France, PI prof. H. Najdenski, participant
2009-2012 Hainaut-Biomed project Region Wallon/FEDER (European Commission)
‘Immunomonitoring of γδ T cells’ [378,000 EUR]; in collaboration with ImmuneHealth (GSK) – PI Dr David Vermijlen, post doc
2010-2012 J.0078.13 Project Ontogeny of fetal and cord blood γδ T cells, PI Dr David Vermijlen, Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research, participant
2013 BG051PO001-3.3.05-0001/ 2013, 5000 eu, γδTCR sequencing, IMI, Belgium- PI Dr D. Vermijlen
2007-2013 BG051PO001-3.3.06 -0059 “Fundamental and applied education of PhD students, post docs and young scientists in interdisciplinary biological directions and innovation biotechnologies, funded by OP Development of human resources 2007-2013, co-funded by European Social Fund, PI M. Murdjeva, teacher.
2005 - 2008 NB 1537 IBIR-BAS, funded by National Fund for Research at Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria, PI R. Georgieva, participant
2005-2008 NB-517/05 IBIR-BAS, funded by National Fund for Research at Ministry of Education and Science Bulgaria, PI T. Daneva, participant
2002 - 2005 MU-К-1204 IBIR-BAS, funded by National Fund for Research at Ministry of Education and Science Bulgaria, leader
2000 –2004 К-1006/00 IBIR-BAS, funded by National Fund for Research at Ministry of Education and Science Bulgaria, PI Prof. R. Georgieva, participant
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