Neuropsychology (jointly with York University) (in English)

Short presentation of the programme:

The programme was designed jointly by the Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology at NBU and City College, the European representative of York University. It offers specialised and extensive training in the field of neuropsychology, as well as basic knowledge of methodology and critical thinking. The programme focuses on the study of behavioural neurobiology with a focus on clinical practice on the one hand, and on in-depth research skills on the other. The training addresses cognitive deficits as a result of brain damage in clinical populations, such as patients with stroke, epilepsy, neurodegenerative diseases, as well as children with neurological developmental deficits. There are two specialisations, applied clinical neuropsychology and basic research cognitive neuropsychology, which follow the same course of study but differ in their practical part. The specialisation in clinical Neuropsychology involves an intensive clinical practicum, while the one in cognitive neuropsychology requires conducting empirical research and a master's degree dissertation defence. The graduates have diverse possibilities of pursuing a career depending on the specialisation chosen, either in clinical practice (e.g. as assistant psychologists) or continuing their studies in a doctoral programme (e.g. DPsych or PhD).

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Neuropsychology (jointly with York University) (in English)
  • Prof. Ivailo Tournev, DSc NPSM001 (CPY6124) Fundamentals in neuropsychology NPSM010 (CPY6111) Practicum NPSM011 Project: Brain imaging techniques
  • Assoc. Prof. Elena Andonova, Ph.D NPSM003 (CPY6126) Neurodevelopmental disorders NPSM013 Project: Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Assoc. Prof. Penka Hristova, PhD NPSM002 (CPY6125) Introduction to research methods in neuropsychology NPSM007 (CPY6130) Research methods in clinical neuropsychology NPSM012 Project: Research methods NPSM017 Project: Critical literature review NPSM027 Practicum in quantitative data analysis
  • Asst. Prof. Armine Janyan, PhD NPSM007 (CPY6130) Research methods in clinical neuropsychology NPSM017 Project: Critical literature review NPSM027 Practicum in quantitative data analysis
  • Asst. Prof. Ivo Popivanov, PhD NPSM001 (CPY6124) Fundamentals in neuropsychology NPSM005 (CPY6127) Neuropsychology of memory and dementia NPSM010 (CPY6111) Practicum NPSM011 Project: Brain imaging techniques NPSM015 Project: Neuropsychology of memory and dementia NPSM018 Project: Appllied neuroscience
  • Asst. Prof. Kiril Kostov, PhD NPSM004 (CPY6131) Neuropsychological disorders of attention and perception NPSM014 Project: Neuropsychological disorders of attention and perception
  • Asst. Prof. Mihaela Barokova, Ph.D NPSM003 (CPY6126) Neurodevelopmental disorders NPSM013 Project: Neurodevelopmental disorders
  • Anna Emmanouel, PhD NPSM004 (CPY6131) Neuropsychological disorders of attention and perception NPSM006 (CPY6129) Neuropsychology of assessment and rehabilitation NPSM010 (CPY6111) Practicum NPSM014 Project: Neuropsychological disorders of attention and perception NPSM016 Project: Neuropsychology of assessment and rehabilitation
  • Assist. Prof. Maria Tziraki, PhD NPSM003 (CPY6126) Neurodevelopmental disorders NPSM005 (CPY6127) Neuropsychology of memory and dementia NPSM013 Project: Neurodevelopmental disorders NPSM015 Project: Neuropsychology of memory and dementia
  • Assoc. Prof. Manousos Klados, PhD NPSM001 (CPY6124) Fundamentals in neuropsychology NPSM002 (CPY6125) Introduction to research methods in neuropsychology NPSM007 (CPY6130) Research methods in clinical neuropsychology NPSM008 (CPY6133) Applied neuroscience NPSM011 Project: Brain imaging techniques NPSM012 Project: Research methods NPSM017 Project: Critical literature review NPSM018 Project: Appllied neuroscience NPSM027 Practicum in quantitative data analysis
  • Assoc. Prof. Maria Damianova, PhD NPSM006 (CPY6129) Neuropsychology of assessment and rehabilitation NPSM016 Project: Neuropsychology of assessment and rehabilitation
  • Assoc. Prof. Shima Mehrabian-Spasova, MD, PhD, DSc NPSM005 (CPY6127) Neuropsychology of memory and dementia NPSM015 Project: Neuropsychology of memory and dementia
  • Prof. Juliana Yordanova, MD, PhD, DSc NPSM008 (CPY6133) Applied neuroscience
  • Prof. Vassil Kolev, PhD, DSc NPSM008 (CPY6133) Applied neuroscience
  • Selin Onayli, PhD NPSM002 (CPY6125) Introduction to research methods in neuropsychology NPSM007 (CPY6130) Research methods in clinical neuropsychology NPSM012 Project: Research methods NPSM017 Project: Critical literature review