Elementary School Pedagogy and Foreign Language (in Bulgarian and a foreign language)
Short presentation of the programme:
The programme aims to get students familiar with the theory and practice of education and develop skills to teach young students in an individual and holistic way. The students to encouraged to perceive pedagogy as an art of the upbringing and fostering fundamental skills in children. The students in the programme are taught to use the latest academic approaches and techniques in elementary education to manage classes, follow and develop the curriculum while attending to the individual needs, stimulate social communication and develop independent learning skills incl. critical thinking, digital skills, creativity, teamwork and cultural norms fostering. The students are trained to work in teams with other specialists, parents and communities and to master self-reflection skills for continuous professional development. The need for well-trained and motivated teachers in Bulgaria is indisputable and testified by both Bulgarian and European studies. The programme prepares its students to work as elementary teachers and foreign language teachers who are among the most sought-after specialists nowadays. In recent years, a comprehensive approach to improving the quality of education in Bulgaria has been noticed, creating conditions to increase teachers’ authority and social status, thus helping the occupation to become a more valued and preferred one. The programme aims to attract and educate students who are aware of the key role of teaching in education to care for and prepare Bulgarian children to become knowledgeable, capable and confident citizens.
The studies in the programme are based on the modern world, European and national policies in education, which determine the vision of the educational process for students in the initial stage of the educational system; leading scientific research in fundamental and private-didactic scientific fields, which conceptually build an interaction between the teaching and learning processes both at universities, schools and extracurricular educational environments; and good practices from global and Bulgarian pedagogical experience that ensure the quality of education and progress of each student in accordance with their individual educational needs and regulatory requirements for building an inclusive educational environment.

Major and professional qualification:
Elementary school pedagogy and foreign language
Qualification: Educator, primary teacher and primary foreign language teacher
Practical training courses:
Practical training includes:
• hospitation in an actual educational environment (school): observing and analysing lessons, forming skills in lesson planning;
• current pedagogical practice: formation skills in preparing and conducting specific lessons in primary school;
• internship practice: individual participation of students in the educational process and preparation for the state practical exam (under the guidance of the school teacher and the university teacher educator).
There are additional practical courses included to be selected by students to develop their personal and professional skills.
International mobility:
The programme provides an opportunity to participate in professional qualification courses and professional development seminars in England, Germany, Spain, France under the Erasmus+ programme as well as in Russia and other European countries, based on the contracts concluded.
Graduate Student Competencies:
Graduates are specialist in pedagogy and will have mastered the following:
• basic and specialised knowledge in the field of educational theory and didactics; general, age and pedagogical psychology; teaching methodology of the relevant subject and application of modern information technologies;
• skills for successfully conducting quality training in a modern environment: various methods for planning the educational process and developing various educational materials; relate the set goals to the learning process and the expected results; successfully apply ICT in education; diagnose and predict student development; identify the educational needs according to the age and individual characteristics of the learners; apply a variety of educational strategies, methods and techniques for teaching, learning and motivating students, including conflict management skills; work in an intercultural environment and carry out intercultural dialogue; work with children with special educational needs; master various forms and means of control and assessment of student achievements and learning process results.
Completion of studies in the bachelor's program takes place upon earning the required number of credits by the following:
• defending a thesis or passing a state exam in the speciality;
• passing a state exam in a foreign language of at least at B2 level;
• passing a state practical applied exam.
In addition to the professional qualification provided, students can also obtain additional specialisation by enrolling in a minor programme.
The graduation process complies with the NBU Standard for Educational and Qualification Degree Completion.
Occupation and possible positions:
Students who have successfully completed their studies in the Elementary School Pedagogy and Foreign Language bachelor's degree programme can carry out professional educational activities at the initial stage of the basic educational level of schools of general education, specialised and profiled schools, as well as carry out foreign language training in the relevant language. Graduates of the programme have the opportunity to pursue careers in accordance with order No. 15 of 22.07.2019 on the status and professional development of teachers, principals and other pedagogical specialists. They can be employed in public schools, private schools and educational institutions as the following:
• primary teachers;
• elementary teachers and foreign language teachers;
• 1 - 4 grade teachers in all-day organisation of the school day;
• primary school educators; pedagogues at the Personal Development Support Centre;
• pedagogues, educators in a family-type accommodation centre;
• pedagogues in community support centres;
• consultant-experts in institutions working with primary school children;
• consultant-experts in diagnostic and prognostic centres; pedagogues in centres working with children and extracurricular activity groups;
• consultants and supervisors of children of primary school age at institutions and private schools;
• experts in educational, cultural and social institutions.
Graduates can continue their studies in master's degree programmes in the professional field 1.2. Pedagogy and other fields.
Department :
New Bulgarian Studies