Semester 1
Lecture courses (credit courses)
- COMM801 International Business Environment and Corporative Communications Assoc. Prof. Ninel Nesheva-Kioseva, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM802 Corporate Reputation Management Prof. Desislava Boshnakova, PhD Asst. Justin Toms Djadala Maria, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM803 International context of Communication: Hofstede model Prof. Tolia Stoitsova, DSc 30 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM804 Features of communication in international organizations Assist. Prof. Evelina Christova, PhD Assoc. Prof. Vladislav Dimitrov, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM805 Strategic management and communications planning Assoc. Prof. Stoyko Petkov, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM831 Management of communication campaigns Prof. Desislava Boshnakova, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM832 Internal company communications Assist. Prof. Evelina Christova, PhD Assoc. Prof. Vladislav Dimitrov, PhD 30 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM835 Integrated approach and planning campaign in the new media Assoc. Prof. Stoyko Petkov, PhD Asst. Prof. Diana Kulchitskaya 30 hrs. 3 credits
Training Courses
- COMM007 Seminar: The Hofstede Model for the Dimensions of the National Culture Prof. Tolia Stoitsova, DSc 6 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM008 Seminar: The Organisational Communications of the International Organisation Assist. Prof. Evelina Christova, PhD 6 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM806 Project: Audit of International Business Environment of Corporate Communication Assoc. Prof. Ninel Nesheva-Kioseva, PhD 6 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM807 Project: Research on the Corporate Communication in the Intercultural Context Assoc. Prof. Vladislav Dimitrov, PhD 6 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM810 Project: Communication Planning & Management Assoc. Prof. Stoyko Petkov, PhD 6 hrs. 3 credits
- COMM813 Project: Management of Communication Campaigns Prof. Desislava Boshnakova, PhD 6 hrs. 3 credits
- SEMM716 Practicum in public Presentation Asst. Georgi Tsonev 6 hrs. 3 credits