PHEB802 Практическата философия на Хегел


The course follows the development of Hegel's practical philosophy as key concepts and dialectical connections are being analyzed to reconstruct his inclusive systematic view on the wide range of practical questions, developed in the course of development of modern moral and political thought, treated separately by previous philosophers.

прочети още
Философия (на английски език)


доц. Христо Гьошев  д-р

Описание на курса:


After completing successfully this course the students will:

1) know:

The main concepts and the philosophical principles of Hegel's philosophical system; the meaning and the development of his practical philosophy, its place in the history of modern philosophy and in the tradition of German idealism.

2) are capable of:

Understanding the logic of Hegel's practical philosophy, analyzing his systematic thought, and participating in discussions on a wide range of topics systematically explained in Hegel's practical philosophy.
Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Between Kant and Hegel: the 'logic' of development of German Idealism
  2. Hegel's early practical philosophy
  3. Hegel's project for the System of philosophy
  4. The stages of the development of the Mind
  5. Consciousness and self-consciousness
  6. History, reason, and social institutions
  7. The moral law
  8. Individuals and the family
  9. The ethical life
  10. Midterm exam
  11. Civil society
  12. The state
  13. The philosophy of religion
  14. Reason in history
  15. Hegel and the Hegelians

Литература по темите:

Avineri, S. (1972). Hegel's Theory of the Modern State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Flay, J. (1984) Hegel's Quest for Certainty. Albany: SUNY.

Forster, M. (1993). Hegel's Idea of a Phenomenology of Spirit. Cambridge:

Harvard University Press.

Hegel, G. (1895). Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion. London: Paul, Trench & Triibner.

Hegel, G. (1964). Political Writings. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Hegel, G. (1967). The Phenomenology of Mind. London: Allen & Unwin.

Hegel, G. (1942). Philosophy of Right. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Kojeve, A. Introduction to the Reading of Hegel. New York: Basic Books, 1960.

Popper, K. (1945). The Open Society and Its Enemies. London: Routledge

Steinberger, P. (1988). Logic and Politics: Hegel's Philosophy of Right. New

Haven: Yale University Press.

Westphal, K. (1989). Hegel's Epistemological Realism: A Study of the Aim

and Method of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Dordrecht: Kluwer.