SHEB758 Проект: Кръгова и социална икономика
The course is intended for the students enrolled in the Bachelor program in Business Studies and it aims at applying students’ knowledge and skills in analysis of Circular Economy and Social Economy and decision-making through a variety of case studies. Students are supposed to apply interdisciplinary approaches and knowledge in analysing their efficiency in specific real-life cases. Students are also required to analyze the influence of Circular and Social Economy, and of State intervention policies related to the topic.
The course is structured as individual assignment based on a case study. The progress on the assignment is regularly consulted and guided by the tutor.

гл. ас. Радосвета Кръстанова-Канева д-р
доц. Цветелина Маринова д-р
Описание на курса:
Students who complete this course:
1) will know:
• The principles of Circular and Social Economy.
The methods and the instruments for analysis of case study.
The relationship existing between Circular Economy, Social Economy and Sustainable Development.
2) will be able to:
• Analyse the economic and social value of the actors of Circular and Social Economy and give well justified opinion on their influence and efficiency by solving a case study.
• Transform the theoretical knowledge into practical skills for analysis and for recommending viable problem-solving actions and strategies.
Предварителни изисквания:
Students are required to have the following knowledge and/or skills:
• Basic knowledge of social and economy policies is recommended.
• Since the project is closely related to Small and Medium Enterprises, NGO sector and start-up companies; basic knowledge on Microeconomics is also required.
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- Analysis and development of a report on one of two proposed case studies into the field of Circular Economy. Case study analysis should be structured as a consistent text, having introductory, main and concluding parts (more details on the Moodle page of the unit).
- Analysis and development of a report on one of two proposed case studies into the field of Social Economy. Case study analysis should be structured as a consistent text, having introductory, main and concluding parts (more details on the Moodle page of the unit).
- Analysis and development of a report on one of two proposed case studies into the field of Social Economy. Case study analysis should be structured as a consistent text, having introductory, main and concluding parts (more details on the Moodle page of the unit).
Литература по темите:
Our Common Future (1987). The World Commission on Environment and Development, UN, Oxford University Press. (
Defourny, J. and M. Nyssens (2016). Fundamentals for an International Typology of Social Enterprise Models”, ICSEM Working Papers, No. 33, Liege: The International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project.
Defourny, J., Nyssens, M. et O. Brolis (2019). Mapping and Testing Social Enterprise Models Across the World: Evidence from the "International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project, ICSEM Working Papers, No. 50, Liege: The International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project.
European Commission. (2011). Social Business Initiative, Creating a Favourable Climate for Social Enterprises, Key Stakeholders in the Social Economy and Innovation, SEC (2011) 1278 final, Brussels.
The Circular Economy: What, Why, How and Where (2019). Ekins, P. at al. OECD. UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources, University College London. (