SHEB755 Социална икономика и устойчиви финанси
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the leading concepts in the field of social economy and sustainable finance in Europe and the world. The course focuses on the specifics and development of social entrepreneurship, the nature and models of social enterprises, the role of social innovations, good practices and features of sustainable finance, the interaction of civil society organizations with the state and traditional business, EU policy on social entrepreneurship and sustainable finance. Concepts such as ethical finance, solidarity finance, socially responsible finance, social finance, sustainable finance, etc. are getting more attention and interest of economists, policy makers and scholars. Their main goal is to mobilize private capital to address the social and environmental challenges faced by the societies such as: unemployment, poverty, social and financial exclusion, combating climate change, achieving sustainable development and greening the economy. They stimulate local economic and community development, social cohesion and promote economic resilience in the societies. Case studies and good practices in the fields will be discussed during the course.

доц. Цветелина Маринова д-р
Описание на курса:
Students will acquire knowledge and competences to:
- to analyse and discuss trends and policies
- to prepare their own projects
- to make projections
Предварителни изисквания:
Students to be familiar with economics and finance.
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- Emergence and development of social economy. Organizations and practices.
- Public policies to develop social economy in Bulgaria and Europe
- Challenges to the social economy
- Development of sustainable finance - ideas and practices
- EU policies to promote sustainable finance. Sustainable finance: social investment, green investment, social bonds, green bonds, EU policy
- Socially responsible policies of companies – case studies
Литература по темите:
Defourny, J. and M. Nyssens (2016). Fundamentals for an International Typology of Social Enterprise Models”, ICSEM Working Papers, No. 33, Liege: The International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project.
Defourny, J., Nyssens, M. et O. Brolis (2019). Mapping and Testing Social Enterprise Models Across the World: Evidence from the "International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project, ICSEM Working Papers, No. 50, Liege: The International Comparative Social Enterprise Models (ICSEM) Project.
EESC/CIRIEC. (2017), Recent Evolutions of the Social Economy in the European Union, “Visits and Publications” Unit of the European Economic and Social Committee, European Union, Brussels.
European Commission. (2011). Social Business Initiative, Creating a Favourable Climate for Social Enterprises, Key Stakeholders in the Social Economy and Innovation, SEC (2011) 1278 final, Brussels.
European Commission. (2016). A Map of Social Enterprises and Their Ecosystems in Europe.
European Commission, A European Agenda for the Collaborative Economy - Supporting Analysis [COM (2016) 356 final].
Hart, K., J-L Laville, A. Cattani (eds.) (2014). The Human Economy, Polity.
Marinova, T., E. Yoneva (2021). Social Enterprises in Bulgaria: Historical and Institutional Perspective, In: Social enterprise in Central and Eastern Europe, M. Nyssens & J. Defourny (eds.), Routledge
Moulart, F., O. Ailenei (2005). Social Economy, Third Sector and Solidarity Relations: A Conceptual Synthesis from History to Present. Urban Studies, Vol. 42, No. 11, 2037–2053.
OECD. (2020). Social Economy and the COVID-19 Crisis: Current and Future Roles,and%20projects%20(European%20Commission).