NETB507 Практика по програмиране


The objective of the practice is to simulate conditions that are close to the real life situation in creating a software product in a team. The basic skill that is trained by the course is exactly the teamwork.The students attending the course are distributed in several teams and each team is given an assignment to create a software product of intermediate complexity.

Inside each team the assignment is separated in several sub-problems and each sub-problem is given to one of the team members. A critical feature of the course is the deadline of the project submission: if the deadline is postponed, the whole team fails and the assignment is canceled.

The concrete topic of the assignments is to create a program written on the programming language C++ using the Qt framework that has a GUI (graphical user interface) and has one of the following additional features:

it has a fully functioning graphical user interface;

stores and reads data from a relational database;

has basic networking capabilities and performs a connection over the Internet or a local network.

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Мрежови технологии (на английски език)


доц. Ласко Ласков  д-р

Описание на курса:


Being able to implement an average-complexity project in C++ programming language and the Qt programming framework. Develop skills to work in a team.
Предварителни изисквания:
Basic C++ programming, object-oriented programming in C++, data structures, networking.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:
Практика, практикум

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Form the teams and establish communication rules.
  2. Select the scope and problem itself.
  3. Spit the problem and select individual tasks.
  4. Develop and test the application. Interactive communication with the lecturer.
  5. Prepare documentation and presentation.
  6. Project defense

Литература по темите:

Goodrich M. T., R. Tamassia, D. M. Mount (2011). Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, (2nd ed.), Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-38327-8.

Cormen, T. H., C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein, (2009). Introduction to Algorithms (3rd ed.). The MIT Press, ISBN-13: 978-0262033848, ISBN-10: 9780262033848.

Eng, L. Z.: Qt5 C++ GUI Programming Cookbook, 2nd Edition. PACKT Publishing, (2019)