ELCB402 Прагматика


This unit introduces students to pragmatics, the systematic study of meaning dependent on the use of language. In this unit, students investigate how people perform aspects of everyday life with language, how they express politeness, how they use pragmatic strategies to make meaning and ensure understanding and, in general, how language is used in different contexts and domains. Major topics covered by the course include: deixis, reference, presupposition, implicature, speech acts, politeness and cross-cultural pragmatics.

прочети още
Английски език и професионална комуникация (Съвместна програма с университета Йорк)


проф. Дияна Янкова  д.н.

Описание на курса:


Предварителни изисквания:
Upon the successful completion of the course, students will be familiar with the basic notions in pragmatics and will be able to:

- apply different strategies for identifying pragmatic patterns;

- analyze any conversation as a piece of linguistic data;

- evaluate communicative techniques;

- explain what someone means even when they say something else;

- Explain why cooperation may be the most important element of communication;

- Better understand what people are saying to each other and pick out the assumptions they are making;

- identify points of misunderstanding;

- compare cultural communication methods;

- explain the role and contribution of pragmatics for a better understanding of language.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Definition and overview of the field
  2. Implicature
  3. Presupposition
  4. Speech acts
  5. Deixis
  6. Reference
  7. Discourse structure
  8. Pragmatics and semantics

Литература по темите:

Austin, John L. 1962. How to do things with words. New York: Oxford University Press.

Birner, B. (2012). Introduction to Pragmatics. Wiley-Blackwell.

Burton-Roberts, N. (Ed.). (2007). Pragmatics. Palgrave.

Cruse, A. (2004). Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics & Pragmatics. 2nd ed. Oxford U Press.

Charles, P. (1960). How to make our ideas clear. Collected Papers, v.5, Cambr.-Mass. 1960.

Grice, H. P. 1975 [1989]. Logic and Conversation. Syntax and Semantics, 3, edited by P. Cole and J. Morgan, Academic Press; http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ls/studypacks/Grice-Logic.pdf

Huang, Y. (Ed.) (2017). The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics. Oxford U Press.

Levinson, S. C. (1998). Pragmatics. N. Y.

Roberts, C. (2012). Information structure in discourse: Towards an integrated formal theory of pragmatics. Semantics & Pragmatics 5, Article 6, pp. 1-69.

Schiffrin, D. (2001). Discourse Markers. In: Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Blackwell Publishing.

Searle, J. 1979. Expression and Meaning. Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wierzbicka, A. (2003). Cross-cultural Pragmatics: The Semantics of Human Interaction.

New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Wilson, D. & Sperber, D. (2012). Meaning and Relevance. Cambridge U Press.