SHEB602 Операционен мениджмънт


Operations Management (OM) is concerned with creating the products and services upon which we all depend. Creating products and services is the very reason for any organization’s existence, whether that organization is large or small, manufacturing or service, for-profit or not-for-profit. Operations management is also at the centre of so many of the changes affecting the business world – changes in customer preference, changes in supply networks brought about by internet-based technologies, and changes in the extent of environmental responsibility that we expect from companies. Promoting the creativity which will allow organizations to respond to so many changes is becoming the prime task of operations managers.

The unit aims to introduce students to a range of Operations Management concepts and techniques and let them understand the role of operations in business strategy.

прочети още
Бизнес икономика (съвместна програма с университета в Йорк)


 Christos Liassides  
проф. Димитър Николов  д-р
 Тихомир Тихомиров  

Описание на курса:


Students who complete this course:

1) will know:

• Identify with the concepts of quality management

• Assess basic tools of project planning

2) will be able to:

• Apply and fully comprehend the nature of operations management, its relationship to other functions and its role in business strategy.

• Appreciate the principles of design (product, process, work organization).

• Analyse the problems and methods of capacity planning, inventory planning and control.

• Develop critical understanding of the principles of Supply Chain Management, MRP and JIT.

• Analyse real-life situations involving operations management

Предварителни изисквания:
Students are required to have the following knowledge and/or skills:

• Marketing

• Management

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT • Effective operations management • Managing processes • Characteristics of operations processes • Operations Management Model Case study: IKEA - Operations manager's tasks Reading: Slack, Nigel et al. (2016) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson - Chapter 1
  2. OPERATIONS OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGY • The role of the operations functions • Operations performance objectives • The content of operations strategy • The process of operations strategy Case study: PENANG MUTIARA Hotel - Operations objectives Reading: Slack, Nigel et al. (2016) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson - Chapters 2 & 3
  3. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT DESIGN • Design of processes • Design of products and services • Design of supply network • Design of work organization Case study: NOVARTIS - design of products Reading Slack, Nigel et al. (2016) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson – the corresponding subjects in Chapters 4, 5, 6 & 9
  4. OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT DESIGN (2) • Design of supply network • Design of work organization Reading Slack, Nigel et al. (2016) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson – the corresponding subjects in Chapters 4, 5, 6 & 9
  5. CAPACITY AND INVENTORY PLANNING AND CONTROL • Planning and controlling capacity • Measuring demand and capacity • The strategic role of inventories • Day-to-day inventory decisions Case study: MADAME TUSSAUD, AMSTERDAM - managing queues Reading: Slack, Nigel et al. (2016) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson - Chapters 11 & 12
  6. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT • The activities of Supply Chain Management • Supply Chain behaviour • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) • Materials requirements planning (MRP) Case study: LEVI STRAUSS - global sourcing policy Reading: Slack, Nigel et al. (2016) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson - Chapters 13 & 14
  7. LEAN OPERATIONS AND JIT • The lean philosophy • Contribution of lean ideas to Operations Management • JIT planning and control • JIT in service operations Case study: ALOHA AIRLINES - changeover time between passengers and cargo Reading: Slack, Nigel et al. (2016) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson - Chapter 15
  8. PROJECT MANAGEMENT I • What is a project? • The project planning and control process • Network planning Case study: THE LONDON MARATHON - planning and preparing the event Reading: Slack, Nigel et al. (2016) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson - Chapter 16
  9. PROJECT MANAGEMENT II • Network planning (continued) • Network planning exercises –Critical path, etc. Reading: Slack, Nigel et al. (2016) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson - Chapter 16
  10. QUALITY PLANNING AND CONTROL • What is quality and why is it so important? • Conformance to specification • Process control, learning and knowledge Case study: FOUR SEASONS CANARY WHARF - quality practice Reading: Slack, Nigel et al. (2016) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson - Chapter 17
  11. OPERATIONS IMPROVEMENT – PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT MANAGING IMPROVEMENT – THE TQM APPROACH • Measuring and improving performance • Improvement priorities • Approaches to improvement • What is Total Quality Management (TQM)? • Responsibilities of Organizations Case study: HEINEKEN - continuous improvement Reading: Slack, Nigel et al. (2013) Operations Management. 8th ed. London, Pearson - Chapter 18, 20, 21

Литература по темите:

• Merrifield, R., Calhoun, J., Stevens, D. (2008) The next revolution in productivity. Harvard Business Review, 86(6), pp. 72-80.

• Takeuchi, H. and Osono, E. (2008) The contradictions that drive Toyota's Success. Harvard Business Review, 86(6), pp. 96-104.

• Iansiti, M. (2015), The History and Future of Operations, Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, pp. 2-4

• Thicke, Lori (2013) Content strategy at Caterpillar. Multilingual, 24(6), p.30-32.

• Bahmani-Oskooee, M. et al (2012) Fluctuations and output in oil-producing countries: The case of Iran. Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, 46(3), pp 23-45

• Landwehr, J.R. et al (2013) Product design for the long run: consumer responses to typical and atypical designs at different stages of exposure. Journal of Marketing, 77(5), p.92-107.

• Kumar, Nirmalya (2011) How Emerging Giants Are Rewriting the Rules of M&A. Harvard Business Review, 87(5), pp. 115-121.

• Reid, E., Ramarajan, L. (2016), Managing The High Intensity Workplace, Harvard Business Review, 94(6), pp. 84-90

• Kolko, J. (2015), Design Thinking Comes of Age, Harvard Business Review, 93, 9, pp. 66-71

• Armour, P.G. (2013) What is a good estimate?. Communications of the ACM, 56(6), p.31-32.

• Radwan, H. et al (2012) Managing solid waste in small hotels. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(2), pp 175-190

• Amaral, Jason and Parker, Geoffrey (2008) Prevent disasters in design outsourcing. Harvard Business Review, 86(9), pp. 30-24.

• Waller, Matthew. A. (2013) A Revolution that will transform supply chain design and management. Journal of Business Logistics, 34(2), p. 77-84.

• McAfee, Andrew and Brynjolfsson, Erik (2012) Investing in the IT That Makes a Competitive Difference. Harvard Business Review, 87(1), pp. 110-111.

• Mossman, Alan (2011) Creating Value: a sufficient way to eliminate waste in lean design and lean production. Lean Construction Journal, 17(2), pp 13-23

• Sull Donald (2009) How to thrive in turbulent markets. Harvard Business Review, 87(2), pp. 78-88.• Neal, J. (2013) Spirituality: The secret of project management. Industrial Management, 55(4), p. 10-15.

• Keil, M. et al (2010) Is your project turning into a black hole?. California Management Review, 52(1), pp 6-31

• Green, Jeff. F. (2013) GIS: the missing tool for supply-chain design. The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, 28, p. 44-49.

• Cappelli Peter (2012) Talent Management for the Twenty-First Century. Harvard Business Review, 86(3), pp. 74-81.• Singh, J. and Singh, H. (2013) Continuous improvement strategies: An overview. IUP Journal of Operations Management, 12(1), p. 32-57.

• Marin-Garcia, J. A. et al (2011) The implementation of continuous improvement project at a Spanish marketing company. International Journal of Management, 27(3), pp 593-606

Средства за оценяване:

Professor Dr. Dimitar Nikolov


1991 doctoral degree - Agricultural Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria

1983 MA - Department of Agrarian Economics, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria


1992 Certificate in Macroeconomics, University of Delaware, USA

1992 Market News Course, USDA, Cochran Program , USA

1993 Certificate in Agricultural and Food Marketing, Way College , University of London, UK

1997 Specialization "Adaptation of investment conditions in Bulgarian agriculture to the EU", PHARE, Way College, University of London, Great Britain

2004 International Course "Management of Market-Oriented Rural Organizations", INWENT, June 9-30, Leipzig- Shortau , Germany

2006 Specialization, "Adaptation of small farms to the standards of supermarket chains in Bulgaria", IAMO, Halle, Germany


2000 - 2005 part-time lecturer - "Agricultural Credit", University of National and World Economy, Department of Agribusiness, Sofia, Bulgaria

2000 - 2005 part-time lecturer - "Agricultural Finance", University of National and World Economy, Department of Agribusiness, Sofia, Bulgaria

2009 - 2014 part-time teacher - Master's course Agrarian Economics, "Monitoring and subsequent control of investment projects", "Corporate finance", "Public finance", "Banking", "Tax systems" and "Financial management", Department of Accounting, Finance and statistics, Agricultural University, Plovdiv

2015-2019 part-time lecturer - Master's program in "Management of agribusiness and development of rural areas", courses "Monitoring and subsequent control of investment projects" and "Risk management in agriculture", Department of Economics, New Bulgarian University, Sofia

From 2020, professor, Department of "Administration and Management", NBU


The structural reform in agriculture;

Financial aspects of the use of EU funds;

Agricultural and rural financial policy;

Rural Development;

Food quality;

Farm management and marketing


1985 - Member of the Research Department, Institute of Agrarian Economics (IAE), Sofia, Bulgaria

1994 - 1995 Deputy Director of the Agrarian Economy (IAE), Sofia, Bulgaria

2005 - 2006 Senior Researcher, JRC, IPTS, EU Commission, Seville, Spain

2013 - 2019 Director of the Institute of Agrarian Economics, Sofia, Bulgaria

2020 – Member of the "Administration and Management" Department, NBU