DIHB036 Виртуални идентичности (Virtual Identities)
The goal of this course is to introduce to students the big theme of human identity from psychological point of view starting with its classics (as basis) and enlarging it to different contemporary forms (as a specific emphasis of the course). Virtual reality and its variations are all around us, from writing an email to paying bills from virtual bank account, from computer games (stand-alone and multiplayer) to communicating with people close to you or strangers through chats and social networks. These new fields of realization of human identity lead to new consequences while answering key questions regarding personality like “Who am I?”, “What am I”, “How do I look in other people’s eyes?”, “How would I like to be seen by others?”, “Could I be something different?”, “I feel restrain by the way my body looks. Could I communicate with others without being a prisoner of my appearance?”, etc.
The students are expected to actively participate in discussions since they themselves are involved in different virtual activities. Taking this into account the course is not intended to introduce students to a field that is entirely new for them but mostly to enlarge their preexisting knowledge and personal experience with insights and research results from modern psychology.
гл. ас. Методи Коралов д-р
Описание на курса:
Students having successfully graduated the course:
- the main dimensions of the self and identity from psychological point of view
- the main features of identity in virtual reality
- the main difficulties and problems emerging from the conflict between real and virtual identity
- using the strong sides of forming a virtual identity to support the real self
- recognizing normal virtual identity fluctuations, as well as unhealthy deviations, and to know the difference
- managing their self-presentation in virtual reality
Предварителни изисквания:
• Working English
• Elementary computer skills.
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- Identity as notion in psychology. I, me, self, self-image, self-conception. Self-awareness. Self-esteem. Real and ideal self
- Development of identity. Identity crisis or “Who am I?” and “What am I?”. Eric Ericsson’s conception
- Physical identity (physical self, body image), psychological identity. Gender / sexual identity. Social roles. Role/identity prejudices
- National identity, ethnical identity, group identity, professional identity. Affiliations to teams, clubs, organizations
- The new identities: virtual identity, cyber identity, internet identity, profiles on the internet. Implications of the virtual identities
- Identity in “classical” online (chat) communication. Different systems and types of online communication and their effect on identity. Nicknames, avatars, profiles. Norm deviations: addiction
- Identity in social networks – part 1. Forming and maintaining. Editing identity. Reality – fiction – lie
- Identity in social networks – part 2. Impressions management. From virtual to real communication. Identity and communication disturbances
- Identity in computer games – part 1. Real world vs fantasy worlds. Experiencing fantasy states, heroes, events, relations
- Identity in computer games – part 2. Pathological deviations. Identity in computer games supporting psychological health
- Identity in massive multiplayer games (MMORPG). Imitating real life (developing skills, shopping, forming alliances, etc.). Communicating with other players or the “Me” and the “Others” in virtual environment and its implications on identity
- Identity in dating sites. Impression management and manipulation. Constructing “the best” or “an attractive” image of the self
- Family, family identity, virtual/online family
- Group identity on the internet. Newsgroups. Forums. Blogs. Virtual teams
- Overview and conclusions. Virtual identities: causes and effects, implications, dangers and perspectives
Литература по темите:
• CARTER, SANDY: Get Bold. Using Social Media to Create a New Type of Social Business, IBM Press 2012.
• JEFFRIES, MARK: Using the Secrets of Strategic Communication and Soft Skills to Win, London 2008.
• KIRPATRICK, DAVID: The Facebook Effect, the Inside Story of the Company that Is Connecting the World, New York 2010.
• Van Edwards, Vanessa: Digital Body Language, 2015. [last seen on May 25, 2024]