ENGB752 Консекутивен превод



Consecutive Interpreting is a practical course aimed at developing proficiency in consecutive interpreting with notes. Issues generic to consecutive interpreting are discussed during the lecture component. These include consecutive interpreting and sight translation skills, vocabulary research, intercultural issues, situational ethics, analysis of the interpreting process and error analysis. This course introduces several settings in which consecutive interpreters commonly work and the protocols that apply to each one. Students learn about the kinds of communication that occur in each setting as well as some of the relevant terminology. They work on ‘real-life’ dialogues and sight translation documents that are typical of each setting in small, language-specific groups.

The aim of the course is

• to familiarize students with the main theoretical and practical issues underlying consecutive interpreting

• to Increase the fluency and accuracy of their consecutive interpreting and sight translation skills

• to improve specific interpreting skills such as prediction, chunking, memory skills, and note taking.

• Practice and improve process management skills and professional communication skills.

• Become familiar with various interpreting settings, including the protocol and vocabulary, common to community and business interpreting work.

Weekly 2-hour classes practise a range of skills using progressively more complex themed materials in both live and recorded form. Topics will be varied and selected to be of relevance to all students.

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доц. Борис Наймушин  д-р

Описание на курса:



Upon successful completion of the Consecutive Interpreting course the students will:

• become familiar with the main theoretical and practical issues underlying consecutive interpreting

• Increase the fluency and accuracy of their consecutive interpreting and sight translation skills

• Apply the code of ethics and a decision-making model to interpreting situations.

• Improve specific interpreting skills such as prediction, chunking, memory skills, and note taking.

• Assess interpreting work in terms of identifying errors, analyzing the interpreting process and noticing error patterns in his/her interpreting work.

• Become familiar with professional standards of practice and apply them to assess his/her interpreting work.

• Practice and improve process management skills and professional communication skills.

• Become familiar with various interpreting settings, including the protocol and vocabulary, common to community and business interpreting work.

Предварителни изисквания:

Course participants will need to have:

• Bulgarian, Russian or English as their mother tongue (Language A)

• B2 level of proficiency or above in their Language B (first foreign language)

• Students must, as a prerequisite, have taken the ENGB 614 Introduction to Interpreting course before they take Consecutive Interpreting.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

Литература по темите:


Jones, R. (1998) Conference Interpreting Explained. St. Jerome Publishing.

Herbert, J. (1952) THE INTERPRETER'S HANDBOOK: How to become a conference interpreter. Geneve: Georg.

Gillies, Andrew (2005) Note-Taking for Consecutive Interpreting - A Short Course. Manchester, St. Jerome Publishing.

Alexieva, Bistra. On teaching note-taking in consecutive interpreting. Teaching Translation and Interpreting 2: Insights, Aims, Visions. Cay Dollerup and Annette Lindegaard, Editors. Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing. 1994. Pp. 199–206.

Roy, Cynthia. Interpreting as a Discourse Process. New York: Oxford University Press. 2000.