DIHB033 Семинар "Визуализация на митичен персонаж за компютърна игра" (Visualizing a Mythical Character for a Computer Game)


The extracurricular training project focuses on specific cases of construction and visualization of figures based on sources from Classical Mythology. Students have to submit short case analyses based on relevant research or/and breakdown of available sources and visual data. Framing the visual idea of mythological characters is related to various stages of creating an educational game prototype.

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доц. Майя Василева  д-р
гл. ас. Владимир Маринов  д-р
 Людмил Дуриданов  д-р

Описание на курса:


Successfully graduated students:

1) have acquired knowledge about:

selected sources and/or types of fictional characters

various ways of visualizing mythical characters to create educational games

2) have acquired the following skills to:

handle various kinds of evidence on/from the world of classical mythology

turn mythical characters into visually designed figures within a game plot or a storyboard

Предварителни изисквания:
Good command of English

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Source selection – relevant approach
  2. Characters – literary narratives and vase painting
  3. Visually relevant instances and mythical narratives for designing game characters
  4. Character design within a plot and/or storyboard
  5. Creating images based on Ancient data
  6. Game context – visual scenario with challenging characters
  7. Game prototyping and main characters
  8. Programming and artistic visualization

Литература по темите:


Aguirre, M. 2011: An outline of Propp’s model. The NLP: Tools and Frames.

March, Jenny 2001: Cassel’s Dictionary of Classical Mythology. New York: Sterling Publishing Co.

Propp, Vladimir 2009: Morphology of the Folktale, University of Texas Press.

Rouse, R. 2004: Game Design. Theory and Practice, Plano, TX: Wordware Publishing

Stefanakis, Emmanuel 2007: Interactive Visualization and Analysis of the Ancient Greek Myths.