MHRE117 Бизнес контекст и управлението на човешките ресурси


Purpose of the course:

• To provide a perspective for understanding the basic concepts and notions of HRM related to human resource planning and strategic decision-making for people in companies operating in the global, national and local business environment.

• The course explains and critically evaluates these processes in the context of dynamic changes in the business environment, strategy and vision of the organization in accordance with the legal framework, the labor market and of course taking into account the company's philosophy of human capital management in the 21st century.

прочети още
Управление и развитие на човешките ресурси (на английски език)


доц. Мария Иванова  д-р
гл. ас. Мария Тумбева  д-р

Описание на курса:


1) know:

The main objective of this course is to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of strategic processes of making decisions in accordance with the HR challenges of business - context.

2) Upon successful completion of the course students should be able to:

• Discuss and evaluate solutions for strategic human resource management and planning of resources in the organization.

• Discuss and apply various analytical and concepts and models for analysis and evaluation of internal and external environment in which companies are positioned.

• Criticize the policy of organizations on corporate social responsibility and corporate ethics.

• Critically analyze a variety of models for strategic human resource management.

Предварителни изисквания:
• English reading/ writing skills

• Computer skills (text-processing, worksheets, Internet and e-mail).

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. The managerial context and decision making. Strategy and vision
  2. Relationship between HRM and business strategy. Vertical and horizontal integration
  3. Patterns and context of global business. Techniques for analyzing the external and internal environment
  4. Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
  5. HR planning. Methods and techniques.
  6. Demographic trends. Working patterns, employment patterns and best practices Criteria for assessment the function related to human resources in the organization. The role of the CIPD Continuous Improvement

Литература по темите:

Main literature:

ARMSTRONG, M. and BARON, A., 2002. Strategic HRM. London: CIPD.

ARMSTRONG, M., 2006. A Handbook of HRM Practice. 10th ed. London: Kogan Page.

BOXALL, P. and PURCELL, J., 2003. Strategy and Human Resource Management. London: Palgrave.

KEW, J. and STREDWICK, J., 2005. Business Environment. London: CIPD.

Additional literature:

CALORI, R., ATAMER, T. and NUNES, P., 2000. The Dynamics of International Competition: From Practice to Theory. London: Sage.

CLARK, T. and KNOWLES, L.L., 2003. Global myopia: globalization theory in International Business. Journal of International Management, 9/4: 361-372.

DANIELS, J., RADEBAUGH, L. and SULLIVAN, D., 2007. International Business: Environments and Operations. 11th ed. Pearson Prentice Hall.

JOYNT, P. and MORTON, B., 1999. The Global HR Manager: Creating the Seamless Organisation. London: CIPD.

Linstead, S. ed., 2004. Organization Theory and Postmodern Thought. LONDON: Sage.

MARCHINGTON, M. and WILKINSON, A., 2002. People management and development. 2nd ed. London: CIPD.

PRICE, A., 1997. Human Resource Management in a Business Context. LONDON: Thomson Learning.

TROMPENAARS, F., 1993. Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Business. London: Nicholas Brealey.

SARGEANT, M., 2003. Employment Law. 2nd ed. Harlow: Pearson.

SAUNDERS, M., LEWIS, P. and THORNHILL, A., 2003. Research methods for business students. 3rd ed. Harlow: Pearson.

Средства за оценяване:

The student can automatically get rid of the continuous assessment tests, if he/she has positive results of the written assignments during the semester and participate in a workshop or fulfill practical tasks (project) during the semester passed through the platform Moodle of NBU.

The evaluation of the students is going through a complex assignment - a written assignment and practical coursework delivered in MOODLE of NBU until the day of the exam in the session. The relative weight of the two components is 50:50.