ELCB202 Увод в превода


The course will examine the existing theories of translation and current practice in translation theory,

as well as provide students with opportunities to engage in the practice of translation between Bulgarian and English. Translation will be explored as both a craft and an art with its own standards and obligations. A historical review of the evolution of translation theory from the classical to the twentieth century will be provided, although the main focus will lie on contemporary, linguistic-based approaches.

Theoretical investigations will consider translation as a "sociolinguistic" activity: i.e., as an act of mediated communication with responsibilities toward the linguistic codes involved and toward the "cultures" of the sources and recipients of those codes. They will also explore the differences between "literal" and "free" translation with an aim to understanding where and why one mode may

be more suitable than the other.

The course will give students an opportunity to present research findings in a clear and coherent manner and according to well-defined academic criteria

прочети още
Английски език и професионална комуникация (Съвместна програма с университета Йорк)


доц. Борис Наймушин  д-р

Описание на курса:


Upon successful completion of the Introduction to Translation and Interpreting Studies course the

students will be able to:

 demonstrate an understanding of translation as a craft and art with its own standards and


 recognize and apply the basic theoretical principles (especially linguistic) involved in textual


 identify and locate the tools required to carry out both non-literary and literary translations

from Bulgarian into English and English into Bulgarian being aware of the general functions

of different text types in various communicative contexts;

 give academic papers in oral and written form and according to well-defined criteria
Предварителни изисквания:
Студентите да имат знания и/или умения / Course participants will need to have:

 Bulgarian, Russian or English as their mother tongue (Language A)

 B2 level of proficiency or above in their Language B (first foreign language)

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. 1. Introduction to Course and Syllabus. Translation studies: the mapping of the discipline
  2. 2 Translation theory: a historical overview.
  3. 3. Theories of translation: Situation-oriented theories: translation as a communicative event; Process-oriented theories: translation as information processing; Cultural/Ethnographic theories of translation. Equivalence and context. Issues of translatability.
  4. 4. Units of translation. Types of translation, translation tools and machine translation.
  5. 5. Translation procedures and strategies, translation shifts Translating elements of culture (culture transfer)
  6. 6. Text type in translation. Translation equivalence. Contrastive analysis and translation.
  7. 7. Grammatical aspects of translation. Syntactic and morphological interference in translation.
  8. 8 Lexical aspects of translation. Realia and phraseology.
  9. Literary translation. Translation of poetry.
  10. Discourse and register analysis approach to translation
  11. Interpreting Studies and Translation Studies: similarities and differences. Theories of interpreting: the state of the art.
  12. Scientific and technical translation. Translation of political, economic and legal texts.

Литература по темите:

Bassnett, Susan. Translation studies .- 3rd ed .- London : Routledge, 2002 .- 180 p ISBN 0-


 Bell, Roger. Translation and translating: theory and practice .- London : Longman, 1991 .- 300

p ISBN 0-582-01648-7

 Gile, Daniel. Basic concepts and models for interpreter and translator training .- Amsterdam :

John Benjamins Publishing Company, 1995 .- 280 p ISBN 90-272-1622-3

 Newmark, Peter. Paragraphs on translation. – Clevedon : Multilingual Matters, 1993 .- 176 p

ISBN 1-85359-191-2

 Steiner, George. After Babel : aspects of language and translations .- Oxford : Oxford

University Press, 1998 .-538 p ISBN 0-19-288093-4

 Wilss, Wolfram. Knowledge and skills in translator behavior : Vol. 15 .- Amsterdam : John

Benjamins Publishing Company, 1996 .- 262 p ISBN 90-272-1615-0

 Western translation theory: from Herodotus to Nietzsche .- 2 ed .- Manchester : St. Jerome

Publishing, 2002


 Jackobson, R. On linguistic aspects of translation. 1966. In Russian at


 Leonardi, Vanessa. Equivalence in Translation: Between Myth and Reality by.


 Walter Benjamin. The Task of the Translator.


 W. Iser. On Translatability. http://pum12.pum.umontreal.ca/revues/surfaces/vol4/iser.html

 Naimushin, B. Seducing the Bible to Condition the World – Boundaries, Boundary Crossing,

Cross-boundary Transfer, Trendafilov, V and I. Vassileva (eds), Blagoevgrad, 2009.

 Naimushin, B. Biblical Translation As Dialogue With God: Reflections on the Exegesis and

Translation of Psalm 22 (LXX 21) – Civitas Divino-Humana. В чест на професор Георги

Бакалов. Център за изследвания на българите ТАНГРА ТанНакРа ИК, София, 2004, с.
