SHEB209 Проект: Европейски съюз


The students are expected to prepare a project on European Union. The topics are available at the beginning of the semester and are discussed with students. The paper should follow the requirements of preparing a research paper.

прочети още
Бизнес икономика (съвместна програма с университета в Йорк)


доц. Ирена Николова  д-р

Описание на курса:


Students who complete this course:

1) will know:

• the major steps in the creation of the European Union

• the driving economic and political forces behind European integration

• the specificity of European integration

• the challenges faced by Europe today

2) will be able to:

• Identify the major developments in the EU

• Analyze some critical points of European reality

• Write a structured research paper

Предварителни изисквания:

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. Project

Литература по темите:

• Agh, A. (2017) The EU polycrisis and hard populism in East -Central Europe: From the Copenhagen dilemma to the Juncker paradox, Politics in Central Europe, 13(2) 7-32

• Bauböck, R. (2018) Refugee Protection and Burden-Sharing in the European Union, Journal of common market studies, 56 (1) 141-156

• Börzel, T. and Grimm, S. (2018) Building Good (Enough) Governance in Post-conflict Societies & Areas of Limited Statehood: The European Union & the Western Balkans, Daedalus, 147(1) 116-127

• The European Commission

• The European Parliament

• The European Council

• The Council of the European Union