COMM825 Кризисен мениджмънт в бизнеса


The course is aimed to study and analyse the best practices in

structuring and managing communications during the crisis and

conflict situations. Defining the basic characteristics and stages of

the crisis as well as the essence of crisis communications

and approaches to organizing information activities in the

management of conflicts and crises. Demonstrate the role of

modern mobile and Internet technologies in crisis management

and provide important information for people to react to unexpected

situations. Following the basic models and principles for managing

communications during conflict and emergencies .

To research the European experience in the field of

organizing communications and providing quality information

during the crisis are another aim.

прочети още
Международни бизнес комуникации (на английски език)


доц. Владислав Димитров  д-р

Описание на курса:


to develope capabilities for analysis of crisis situations in the contemporary business organizations
Предварителни изисквания:
Basic knowledge about communication and information theories;

Internet and media literacy.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

  1. 1.Characteristics of the crisis situation : basic definitions and theory in the crisis management field.
  2. 2.Communications in the crisis situation , models of effective communications, interactive communication approaches to resolving crises in business.
  3. 3. European and global experience in the structuring of communications for managing risks and crises caused by disasters , accidents, crashes, virus invasions.
  4. 4.Case studies and examples of world practice analysis of communication approaches and solutions for the analysis of crisis events / Exxon Valdez , BP , the NPP " Fukushima "
  5. 5.Crisis management, authors , models, global experience, training scenarios to resolve the crisis .
  6. 6. Communication approaches and methods to manage global risks;International centers for problem analysis
  7. 7. Modern information and computer technology used for forecasting and analysis of business and managerial crisis . Database systems, artificial intelligence, virtual scenarios.
  8. 8. Decision making related to the communications during the crisis and risk situations.
  9. 9.Comparative analysis of different European communication and management approaches for managing crises and risks.
  10. 10.Communication and media planning for crisis management in the business.
  11. 11. Communication management structure, principles and practice in Europe and North America, international experience . Preparation of communication platforms for crisis resolution.
  12. 12. New information , computer , electronic and interactive technologies used for the management of risks and threats to the business / portals , new media , social applications , electronic warning systems / .
  13. 13. Practical training on crisis communication programs to solve communication problems.
  14. 14. Research and analysis of potential crisis issues -analysis of communication patterns.
  15. 15. Crisis communication plans and management, European experience , analysis and management of global issues, risks and crises.

Литература по темите:

1.Fink, Steven. Crisis management. American management association. NY.1986.

2.Peter Ruff, Khalid Aziz. Managing Communications in a Crisis. 2003 - Business & Economics.

3.Marinov, Rusi. Crisis management. Information strategy and internet platforms,NBU 2015

4.Communication World magazine, issued by IABC, 2012-2016

5.Journal of Contingencies and Crisis management. Blackwell Publishers. Issue:2012-2017.

6.K. Bradley Penuel, Matt Statler, Ryan Hagen. Encyclopedia of Crisis Management

SAGE Publications, Feb 14, 2013 - Business & Economics

7.George Haddow, Kim S Haddow

Disaster Communications in a Changing Media World.

Butterworth-Heinemann, Dec 14, 2013.

8.Jennex, Murray E. Crisis Response and Management and Emerging Information Systems: Critical Applications: Critical Applications

Information Science Reference, Jun 30, 2011.

9. W. Timothy Coombs. Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding. SAGE, Jan 24, 2011 - Business & Economics .