COMM823 Психология на масовата комуникация
Annotation and course goals:
• Relatively new psychological field. Special attention is paid to occurrence and development of theoretical models that explain communication in and via MCM and their effects on different public segments.
• Course is focused on both – classical (traditional) and new and contemporary explanation theories in mass communication. Classical MCM are subsequently studied – television, radio and press, as well as mass communication in Internet.
• It is emphasized on the comparison between MCM in international context.
проф. Толя Стоицова д.н.
Описание на курса:
Successfully finished the course, students:
1) will know:
• The nature of interdisciplinary character of mass communication
• Classical approaches toward study of mass communication
• Contemporary development of mass communication
• Approaches for mass media researches
2) will have skills:
• To analyze TV and Radio productions, press materials and to compare paper and e-newspapers.
• To define and describe the nature of culture and compare mass communication on international level as well.
• To use Umberto Eco’s categorical system for defining different TV products.
Предварителни изисквания:
Preliminary specifications
• Students have to know:
• Student have to finished successfully at least one course in communication or psychology in Bachelor program
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- The variety of the term communication – interdisciplinary approach toward the nature of mass communication. Types of communication.
- Communication and culture. Language in communication. Stereotyping – a typical barrier in mass communication.
- Classical approaches for researching the influence of mass communication products: Effects model and the Model of use and satisfaction
- Classical approaches for researching the influence of mass communication products: Cultural and ratification model. Eduard Hall – understanding culture through Main Communication Systems (MCS).
- Contemporary models for mass media research.
- Mass communication structure: The main concepts of mass media.
- History of mass communication: from printing to computer technology Media theories.
- Types of print media. Press freedom – laws and ethics.
- Types of print media. Press freedom – laws and ethics.
- Radio – a breakthrough in mass communication. Effects of radio on society.
- Television – a new dimension in mass communication. Effects of TV on society.
- The TV language of Umberto Eco.
- Globalization of media: new media in mass communication. Media mergence.
- Social organization and social context of mass media production.
- Mass media, social problems and crises. Criticism on media.
- Теоретичен проект.
Литература по темите:
• Castells, M. (2007) ‘Communicative power and counter power in the network
society’, International Journal of Communication, 1: 238–66.
• Devereux, E. (2007) Media Studies: Key Issues and Debates. London: Sage.
A wide-ranging set of original chapters on important topics in the ?eld, with
supplementary teaching materials and references.
• Gullestrup, H. (2006). Cultural Analysis – Towards Cross-Cultural Understanding. Copenhagen Business School Press.
• J.J. van Cuilenburg, D. Mcquail (2003). Media policy paradigm shifts: Towards a new communication policy paradigm, European Journal of Communication, Vol. 18, p. 181-207.
• McQuail, D. (ed.) (2002) Reader in Mass Communication Theory. London: Sage.
A set of key readings, classic and modern, organized in sections that correspond
to the main divisions of the present book and chosen to support the same
range of content as this edition.
• Polyak, I. (2004). Cross-Cultural Communication. Perfekt.
• Samovar, L. (2001). Communications between Cultures. Wadsworth. Publishing Company.
• R. van der Wurff. (2011).Do audiences receive diverse ideas from news media? Exposure to a variety of news media and personal characteristics as determinants of diversity as received. European Journal of Communication.
• Sreberny, A. (2004) ‘Society, culture and media: thinking comparatively’, in
J.D.H. Downing, D. McQuail, P. Schlesinger and E. Wartella (eds), The Sage
Handbook of Media Studies, pp. 83–103. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Средства за оценяване:
During the semester:
Written assignments 50%
Practical task 50 %