MHRE312D Strategic HRM and change



• To determine the effectiveness of the main models for planned change and the different level of risk with which they are associated at the rise of various situations in the organization

• To identify and provide commitment of the necessary internal and external resources, including internal and external experts, consultants processes and organizational consultants

• To generate structures and cultures that enable the existing HRMD specialists creatively, constructively and continuously to analyze and to reflect on their role as "creative practitioners to assess and exploit the uncertainty surrounding the inevitable change and to be realistic and skeptical about technology and approaches to change

• To build and develop change agents, including supervisors and other functional managers who are sensitive to the changing needs and dynamics of the organization and the organizational environment

• To assist in the establishment of processes, procedures and systems supporting the transfer of information and knowledge by individuals and small groups to the organization as a whole, which will affect strategic decisions and the development of new skills

• To develop a holistic approach to change and proposed solutions

• To maintain the speed of change through active, strategic advice and consultation processes and initiatives which can influence the change of dominant attitudes and old fashion culture of the organization

• To develop strategies and techniques for successful implementation of change by supporting the establishment and maintenance of a framework of the organization through which to achieve stakeholders’ engagement to transition and change

• To identify the priorities of HRMD in the process of change management and how they correspond to the priorities of other stakeholders

• To decide what "works" and what – not works in the context of managing change and improvement by supporting the organization to ensure that HRMD role in the process of change management improve the organization and adds value to it.

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Управление и развитие на човешките ресурси (на английски език) - ДО


доц. Ангел Георгиев  д-р
доц. Елмира Банчева  д-р

Описание на курса:


Students who successfully complete the course:

1) know:

• The relationship between strategic vision, leadership, power and control in the management of change.

• Different levels and types of strategic change processes.

• The ways in which each level and type of change may affect the performance of work by employees and results of the organization.

• The impact of globalization, mergers of companies, takeover, acquisition and strategic alliance in the process of development of organizations as a dynamic in the processes of change and transformation.

• The ways in which the organization can understand, define and use the various internal and external initiators of change and transformation.

• The strategic role of HRM to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and adding value in the management of psychological, emotional, spiritual and social processes associated with different stages of the change process.

2) can

Upon successful completion of the course students should be able:

to analyze the role of HRM for the development of realistically skeptical approach to the transformative interventions, organizational development, re-engineering of business processes and management through "total quality";

• distinguish between changes undertaken as a "whim of fashion," and one that adds real value and is sustainable over time;

• to discuss and critically evaluate the relationships between the processes of change caused by technology and their human dimensions;

• to evaluate the successes and failures and risk under change, the impact of success or failure on future processes of change in the organization;

• design and implement and manage successful change projects in organizations.

Предварителни изисквания:
Students should have knowledge and/ or skills in:

• English reading/ writing skills

• Computer skills (text-processing, worksheets, Internet and e-mail).

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

Литература по темите:

Main resource:

• Bancheva, Е. Change Management, SM-NBU, 2009, ISBN 978-954-535-584-4

Additional resources:

• Kotter, J. (1995) Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fall, Harvard Business Review, March – April.

• Kotter, J. (1996) Leading Change, Harvard Business School Press.

• Lewin, R. and Regine, B. (1999) The Soul at Work: Unleashing the power of complexity science for business success, Orion Business.

• Lockitt, W. (2004) Change Management, 3T Productions.

• Lucas, A. (1999) Six fallacies that stifle change – and how to overcome them. American Association for Higher Education Bulletin November 1999.

• Mink, O. et al (1991) Open Organisations, 2nd edition. Catapult press.

• Olson, E.E. and Eoyang, G.H. (2001) Facilitating Organizational Change: Lessons from Complexity Science, Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.

• Orlikowski, W. (1996) Improving organisational transformation over time: a situated change perspective, Information Systems Research, 7(1), p. 63 -92.

• Pettigrew, (2002) Handbook of strategy and management / Ed. by Andrew Pettigrew, Howard Thomas, Richard Whittington Published: London: Sage Publications, 2002

• Pennington, G. (2003) Guidelines for Promoting and Facilitating Change. LTSN Generic Centre

• Pfeffer, J. and Sutton, R. (2000) The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publications.

• Rogers, E.M. (2003) Diffusion of Innovations. New York: Free Press.

• Salmon, G. (1996) (2005) Flying not flapping: a strategic framework for e-learning and pedagogical innovation in higher education institutions. ALT-J, 13(3), 201 – 218.

• Stacey, R. (1996) Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics. 2nd Ed, London, Pitman.

• Weick, K.E. and Quinn, R.E. (1999) Organizational Change and development. Annual Review of Psychology, 50 p.361 – 86.

Средства за оценяване:

Assessment forms On-going Combined Final exam

Written assignment 50% 50% 50 %

Practical assignment 50% 50% 50%

Additional pre-conditions for forming the final score:

The student can automatically get rid of the continuous assessment tests, if he/she has positive results of the written assignments during the semester and participate in a workshop or fulfill practical tasks (project) during the semester passed through the platform Moodle of NBU.

The evaluation of the students is going through a complex assignment - a written assignment and practical coursework delivered in MOODLE of NBU until the day of the exam in the session. The relative weight of the two components is 50:50.