DIHB030 Проект "Влиянието на социалните мрежи върху жизнения цикъл на човека (Social Networks Impact on Human Life Cycle)
The extracurricular course is focused on the sphere of human relations, as presented in the context of human life cycle and within its main structures – the family, the work, the citizenship role etc.
A special attention in the cases to be analysed by the students will be directed on the way these relations are being reflected in the Internet and the digital social communication in Bulgaria and other former East European countries.
доц. Румен Петров д-р
Описание на курса:
Students having successfully graduated the course will have acquired:
1) knowledge about the different stages of human life cycle and the tasks these are demanding to be solved as well about the reflection of these problems within the virtual world, students are inhabiting;
2) the cognitive skills to respond to different, often contradictory ways through which these are present in the digital public spheres.
Предварителни изисквания:
A good command of English
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
Литература по темите:
Newman, B., Newman, P., 2009. Development through Life: A Psychosocial Approach, Wadsworth, USA
Sharmeen, F., Arentze, T., and Timmermans, H. 2015. Predicting the evolution of social networks with life cycle events, Transportation (2015) 42: 733. doi:10.1007/s11116-015-9644-8
Xu, Xiaoge ed. 2016. Handbook of Research on Human Social Interaction in the Age of Mobile Devices. IGI Global, University of Nottingham Ningbo.
Средства за оценяване:
A written analysis or presentation (and discussion) will be required.