DIHB008 Анимацията като инструмент за социализация (Animation as a Socializing Tool)
The course explores the opportunities of animation as a socializing and therapeutic tool, especially for ASD kids, focusing on three aspects:
- professional animated products employed to make abstract knowledge visually accessible
- creating and using animation on an everyday user level as a powerful socializing and therapeutic tool
- employing animation as a tool to find social and health solutions through 3D simulations (virtual teacher, 3D game strategies etc.).
доц. Полина Михова д-р
Людмил Дуриданов д-р
Описание на курса:
1. Upon graduation students will have acquired the following knowledge:
- they will be introduced to animation as art and communication tool
- they will acquire basic elements, stages and terminology of animation production in the digital age
- they will learn how to trigger the attention of kids from the autistic spectrum and/or socialize hyperactive kids using animation
2. Upon graduation students will have developed the following skills:
- they will be able to employ and/or manage the creation of small animations within the large scope of professional activities
- they can trigger the attention of ASD kids with the PECS system, using animation
Предварителни изисквания:
Students should bring along:
- working English
- motivation to learn more about animation as a tool;
- interest in use of applied animation in their future professional activities.
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- Animation - Differences from Live Action Cinema
- Promenade through the history of animation as art
- Main features that make animation a powerful tool of communication and therapy
- Animation as an Advertising Tool – Contagious Ideas
- Animation - a Successfully Employed Participatory Learning Tool
- Autism and Dysphasia – Two Aspects or Different Phenomena?
- Art Animation as an „ASD language“ to Connect
- Autism – Clinical Enigma or Mal du siecle (the clinical picture)
- Autism - Thinking in Pictures and Patterns (The Case of Temple Grandin)
- Disclosing Autistic Phenomena of Child Behavior - the Parents' Case
- Autistic Treatment - Successful Approaches
- PECS as a Therapy Approach - the Virtual Teacher
- Computer-Assisted Game Therapy for ASD Children
- Motivational Criteria for an Interactive Game for ASD Kids
- Designing a Game for ASD Kids „Discover the basic emotions“ (as a pilot project)
Литература по темите:
• Bernard-Opitz, V.: Enhancing Social Problem Solving in Children with Autism and Normal Children Through Computer-Assisted Instruction, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2001.
• Brentani, Helena et al.: Autism spectrum disorders: an overview on diagnosis and treatment, Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria. 2013, No.35, p.62–72.
• Herring, P. J.: Design and evaluation of a CAL system to support communication development in children with autism. PhD thesis, The Open University 2015.
• Herring, P.J. et al.: A virtual tutor for children with autism. Journal of Assistive Technologies, 2016.
• Noake, Roger: Animation: A Guide to Animated Techniques. MacDonald Orbis 1988.
• Laybourne, Kit: The Animation Book, Crown Publishers, Inc. New York 1978.
• Stokes, Stroke: Visual Literacy in Teaching and Learning: A Literature Perspective, Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education, vol. 1, no. 1
• Mason, Helen Rachel: Dare to Dream.The Use of Animation in Occupational Therapy, in: Mental health occupational therapy, Volume 14, issue 3, November 2009.
• Siegel, Bryna: The world of the autistic child, Oxford University Press 1996. Richard Williams
• Williams, Richard: The Animator's Survival Kit, 2006.