COGM007 Преработка на информацията в човешкия мозък


The course presents the brain as an information processing system organised in different levels.

The course is structured in two parts. During the first part the most important theoretical points in neurosciences are presented (the gross brain anatomy, the neuron’s structure and physiology, the sensory and motor systems in the brain). The second part consists of several seminars during which several of the important higher cognitive functions (such as visual perception, memory, language, etc) are discussed.

прочети още
Когнитивна наука (на английски език)


проф. Ивайло Търнев  д.н.
гл. ас. Иво Попиванов  д-р

Описание на курса:


The students who completed the course will

1) know

• principles of organisation of the central and peripheral nervous systems

• principles of action potential generation and transmission.

• the main structures in the brain and their functions.

• the main methods for studying the brain structure and function

• the organisation of the main sensory and motor systems in the brain.

• the way some higher cognitive functions are represented in the brain

2) be able to explain and discuss

• the brain structure and function in the context of information processing system

• the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods for studying the brain

• the neurophysiological mechanisms of the brain activity

• the relationship between the functions of specific brain regions and particular cognitive functions/behaviour
Предварителни изисквания:
There are no formal requirements for the students, however it will be beneficial if they have some knowledge of neuroscience.

Форми на провеждане:

Учебни форми:

Език, на който се води курса:

Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:

Литература по темите:

• Banich, M.T., & Compton, B.J. (2011) Cognitive Neuroscience. Third edition, Wadsworth: Cengage Learning.

• Pinel, J.P.J (2014). Biopsychology. Nineth edition, Pearson Education Inc.

• Kolb, B. & Whishaw, I.Q. (2015). Fundamentals of human neuropsychology. Seventh edition. New York: Worth Publishers, 2015

Средства за оценяване:

Essay - 50%

Test - 50%