NPSM001 (CPY6124) Основи на невропсихологията
This unit covers the main research areas and methods used in investigating brain structure and function. The unit will provide students with sound knowledge on the brain’s structure and function, at both macro and micro level (cellular, molecular), as well as with knowledge on the relationship between brain structure and function and various mental processes. Students will be introduced to basic principles and mechanisms of brain recovery after head traumatic injury and stroke, as well as to methods in neuroscience, in particular, imaging methods (EEG, fMRI etc), case studies, and applied clinical neuroscience (e.g., neurofeedback, TMS, tDCS etc.).
Assoc. Prof. Manousos Klados, PhD
проф. Ивайло Търнев д.н.
гл. ас. Иво Попиванов д-р
Описание на курса:
Students who complete this course:
1) will know:
structure (macro and micro level) and function of the brain; how the function of the brain relates to mental processes and behaviour; methods in neuroscience and applied clinical neuroscience, including imaging techniques, brain stimulation techniques and techniques to train brain activity
2) will be able to:
demonstrate knowledge of the basic structure and function of the human nervous system; indentify the importance of the biological factors and their relationship to mental processes (memory, attention, perception etc); demonstrate an understanding of methods in neuroscience and applied clinical neuroscience;
Предварителни изисквания:
Форми на провеждане:
Учебни форми:
Език, на който се води курса:
Теми, които се разглеждат в курса:
- Introduction to neuropsychology
- Structure and function of the nervous system I
- Structure and function of the nervous system II
- Functional neuroimaging methods I
- Functional neuroimaging methods II
- Consolidation
- Midterm test 1
- Disorders of consciousness
- Techniques to train brain activity: Neurofeedback
- Neuroscience of emotions
- Sensory processing: Audition, Vision, Somatosensation
- Learning, recovery after brain damage and neuroplasticity
- Revision
- Midterm test 2
Литература по темите:
Gazzaniga, M., Ivry, R.B., Mangun, G.R., (2013). Cognitive neuroscience: The biology of the mind (Fourth International Student Edition). New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
Kolb, B. & Whishaw, I.Q. (2009). Fundamentals of human neuropsychology. Sixth edition
Additional readings:
Denes, G., & Pizzamiglio, L. (1999). Handbook of clinical and experimental neuropsychology. Hove: Psychology Press. (616.898 2 McK).
Ellis, A. W., & Young, A.W. (1996). Human cognitive neuropsychology. Hove: Psychology Press. (153 ELL)
Rapp, B. (2001). The handbook of cognitive neuropsychology: What deficits reveal about the human mind. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
Zillmer, E., & Spiers, M., (2001). Principles of neuropsychology. Cengage Learning.